yule 21: mushrooms ♡

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red mushrooms with white dots, known as Amanita muscaria or fly agaric, are closely tied to Yule lore. finding one is good luck, similar to with four-leaf clovers.

the roots of this mushroom can only grow in the roots of certain trees, which happen to be those we usually use as Christmas trees, like pine.

these mushrooms are common around the holiday season also because this time is when they're usually foraged. they're also popular decorations for Yule log cakes.

besides being found near pine trees, these festive fungi are one of reindeers' favourite foods! reindeer herders even use bags of these mushrooms to keep reindeer together.

while these mushrooms may have been hung on Christmas/Yule trees for luck and not for decoration, it's kind of similar to our modern decor with its reds and whites.

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