Chance Encounters 2

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The next day, Tang Yao walked over to the venue in a daze and found herself in the front seat of the ZGDX fan section. She accepted a banner from a fan sitting next to her and waved at the camera when it focused on her. She had made an effort with her face and had washed her hair. Just as the commentators on stage were commenting about women in e-sports, CK's Jungler on stage, Jian Yang spilled the coffee he was drinking on his keyboard. His teammate , the Top GoodLuck asked, " What's wrong? Why do you look so pale?" Jian Yang responded, " I think I saw someone." He thought, ' Damn it, why is she here? I thought she had gone abroad to study. When did she return?'

GoodLuck pressed, " Who?"

Jian Yang responded forlorn, " Someone important . The one who got away..."

GoodLuck " Was that your ex? She's pretty! I thought you said she looked chubby and childish"

Jain Yang " She grew up and grew apart. I wonder why she's here"

Blissfully unaware of the common she had caused, Tang Yao posted a picture of the stage from the front section she was seated in ,on Weibo with the caption [ Cheering for ZGDX at the finals! Go team!] . The official account of ZGDX reposted it and responded, " Thank you for the support!" Tang Yao's Weibo went wild with the comments of her 30K followers. It ranged from , ' Smiling, do you have a special connection with the club? You are in the front row' to speculation about the team's mid ' Ming God is retiring. Is this a sign that Smiling is being considered for the new mid?'

The ban-pick phase of the game had commenced. Jian Yang's hand was hovering over the selection as the commentators analyzed, "Yang God may pick Leblanc. The CK mid plays Leblanc well"

Commentator 2 , " He does. But you know who is masterful at Leblanc? Smiling on the China and Korea servers. Apparently, she is a girl ! Who knows, in a few years we may have more girls in the e-sports field"

Hearing the word Smiling made Yang's hand slip and he chose Kassadin instead. The alias reminded him of Tang Yao and the time he had explained how to play LoL to her by showing videos of "Masterful smile", an ex-player, who had since retired. He remembered her being enamored with his style of game play despite him playing AD and she a mid. His sixth sense was telling him all this had something to do with her. His team mates cursed him, " Aaah!! Why didn't you pick Leblanc? What champion are we going to play as mid now? We're screwed now. "

GoodLuck next to him said, " Seeing her was a bad omen for you. Look what you have done now. Get your head in the game". But this was all futile. For the rest of the game, the legendary Yang played as if his head was rolling on the keyboard instead of his nimble fingers. CK lost the first game, Yang rushed to the area where the bathrooms were located and he stood near the Women's restroom. Incidentally, Tang Yao also made her way over to the bathroom to relieve herself. She spotted Jian Yang and texted her friend Jiyang, [I spotted yesterday's news for the first time in 1.5 years. Can't wait to wipe the floor with him as I join my new team]

Jiyang [ You go girl! Don't fall into his trap no matter what he says. That boy is bad news. Now if you had to date a player you should date Cheng-ge. He is so handsome and smart. The chessman's wedding with you is the only one I'll come to]

Tang Yao [ What are you blabbering? Didn't I tell you? I have learned my lesson. I am not going to date an e-sports player. I have better things to do, like be a successful player, start a good career, graduate]

Jiyang [ Go Mulan Go! Ignore the idiot]

Tang Yao's strategy was to ignore him , focus on her phone and finish her business. Jian Yang wasn't about to let her go in peace. He jogged over to her, " Yao Yao, wait. What are you doing here?" She groaned and looked around. His posse of fangirls were nearby. He noticed as well and started walked with her , crossing over to the player only area of the corridor. He caught her arm and dragged her inside the restroom. He didn't see anyone , so he assumed it was empty. He yelled" Yao Yao, how do you have backstage access? Why are you here? "

She sighed, " None of your business. I will do whatever the hell I want. Unhand me" and pulled her arm out of his hand.

Jian Yang, " Please don't be like that. You didn't even give me a chance to explain and ran abroad. You knew I was just establishing my career, there was nothing going on between me and that girl"

Tang Yao held her hand up, " Stop. First, I am uninterested in anything you have to say. Second, we barely had any semblance of a relationship before broke up 1.5 years ago. So I don't owe you any explanations and I could give a rat's ass about your explanation. Third, I didn't run away , its called pursuing an education , you should try it sometime"

Yang, " Yao Yao, don't be like that. Please I missed you. The problem with our relationship was timing. Now that you are here in Shanghai, we can meet again. Why are you here?"

Tang Yao goggled at him, " Are you crazy? I don't want anything to do with you. Besides, I'd much rather wipe my ass with your keyboard when we win. "

Yang, " What do you mean, when we win?"

Tang Yao saw the notification alerting her that they were going to announce Ming God's retirement and her joining the club. She figured, he'd know anyway, " I am going to be the new Mid of ZGDX. I am Smiling."

Yang, " You are smiling?" , he asked baffled. " You didn't even know how to pick a character and gank someone. Don't forget , I was there in the beginning. I taught you how to play. Now you are going to ZGDX? If you wanted to play, why didn't you tell me?"

Tang Yao was now angry. She thundered, " Well, I hope you have the pleasure of playing against me when I play Leblanc sometime. I'll repay the favor and teach you a thing or two. Also why the f*** would I tell you anything? I owe you nothing. Who the hell are you to me?" She paused and took deep breaths to calm down.

Yang was stunned. Seeing his shocked look made her giggle, she smiled and said, " This is Ming God's last game. Don't disgrace him by playing like you did. If you rolled on the keyboard with your head, you could have played better. Show some respect and play well"

He came out of his shock and retorted, " You should be thanking me for helping your team win"

Tang Yao was almost out of the door when she said, " I have never needed your charity and my new team certainly doesn't. We are strong enough to win on our own. ", flipped her hair and left.

As he collapsed on the floor of the restroom , mulling over what she said, he heard the toilet flush and saw Chessman saunter out.

Yang flushed, " Cheng-ge, you heard?"

Chessman smiled wryly, ' this is interesting, he thought', " I was taking a few puffs away from Xiao Rui. I didn't want to interrupt ...the well, conversation" he snorted with laughter. It was a conversation alright, it seems their new mid had bitch slapped Yang in the face with her words.

He asked Yang, " Our new mid, you know her?"

Yang replied sadly, " Yeah, I did. When we were still in high school, I knew her. I taught her how to play LoL and now well ...", he paused awkwardly.

Chessman washed his hands and walked out almost, when he said, " Interesting girl, our new mid" and left.

CK did manage to make a comeback and win the spring finals mostly due to Ming God's hand acting up later in the game. But both the headlines that day were from ZGDX - Ming God's retirement and Smiling's entry to ZGDX.

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