Bad girl

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Today was the first game against CK. The captain had gotten drenched after the uniform trials trying to help Pope(AD of the YQCB  team next door) who was lost in a mall. He had been sneezing non-stop for the last day and half. He had also stubbornly refused to take any medicine claiming it would slow down his reflexes. As they boarded the bus to compete in their first game, Lu Sicheng was asleep holding his head in the back seat, the rest of them were just zombie like unused to waking up early. Ming God looked at them and said, " I should start making you all wake up early. The tournament is starting. We need you on your A-game earlier in the day. Aye ,Smiling, why do you look so queasy?"

Tang Yao - " My stomach feels weird. I feel queasy"

Xiao Rui -" You all woke up so late today, there was no time for breakfast. What will you throw up? Dry air? "

They reached the venue that was teeming with screaming fans and admirers. As the first game of the season, there was a lot of buzz to begin with but having Smiling there as the only female competitor drew more crows. ZGDX sat down on stage to compete when the captain said, " This is going to be a quick game. I have a splitting headache"

Hearing his hoarse voice, Tang Yao added - " I second that. I have a stomach ache"

Old Cat- " This is great. The first game of the season and our AD is sick and our mid wants to go to the toilet.  What a great team" he laughed

Little Fatty - " Smiling, didn't you go to the bathroom before getting on stage again? What is left to expel?"

Tang Yao - " I am not sure. ... Let's just finish this game quickly"

The ban and pick stage of the game started. Altogether they had banned 6 champions and four of them were mid-champions. It seemed that CK really feared ZGDX's mid. Before he contest, the team had played many skirmishes and each time, Smiling had proven to be a carry for the game. While the results of the skirmishes were kept secret, news of ZGDX's winning streak had reached everyone's ears.

Tang Yao groaned- " What the hell! It's impossible to play if you are not familiar with a lot of different champions"

Ming God burst out laughing- " And that's exactly why Lu Yiu is still the substitute. I'll pass on your words of wisdom to all the teams competing" . ZGDX had chosen all champions that were great early in the game but not as strong later. That's how Tang Yao had ended up with Twisted Fate and Lu Sicheng with Jinx. Two champions people rarely picked in professional games.  The commentators remarked [ It seems ZGDX wants to end this game early]

Ming God exclaimed -" You have picked champions that are extremely hard to manage later in the game. Twisted Fate and Jinx - who plays these champions anymore?"

Lu Sicheng- " What late game? My head already hurts, this will be over soon ."

Tang Yao added - " That's right. I have a stomach ache and I want to go to the bathroom"

K- " I think the two of you want to be on the best quotes montage"

Tang Yao shouted- " Aaaaaah! I had forgotten those exist" as her team mates laughed

Lu Sicheng- " Shortie! Don't shout. You'll poop your pants if you get this excited"

Little Fatty worried -" We have two injured team members. Can we still play a good opening game for this season?"

His worries were unfounded  as the first game ended within 20 minutes. The chessman had played an aggressive AD, taken the other team's jungler Jian Yang, aka Smiling's ex first and Smiling used Flash and Ignite repeatedly to stun and kill everyone in the mid and bot lanes.  The result was a resounding victory for ZGDX. Between games the teams got a 20 minute break. Smiling had spent 15 of those in the bathroom simply sitting queasily. Her teammates teased her - " Come out smiling, there can't be anything left in your tummy by now" . When she came out she ignored all the laughter. She looked at the only silent person in the room, the Chessman who was reclining on the sofa with his eyes closed. She touched his clammy forehead and said, " You have a fever. I told you to take the cold medicine"

Lu Sicheng - " Why do you still look so queasy? Hasn't your stomach stopped hurting?"

Tang Yao  whispered , mostly to herself  " I don't think I have a stomach bug. I think that may be a cramp"

Before he could ask her more questions, Ming God ushered them back on stage. In the second game, CK gave more of a fight. The jungler, Jian Yang seemed to constantly chase Smiling in the mid lane.

K, the ZGDX jungler who supported her asked, " Little one, the CK's jungler seems to have a crush on you! He is following you around like a lost puppy"

Old Cat laughed, " See, if he had a tail, it would wag. He's not even attacking and seems to run away when you are about to"

Little fatty added -" Interesting strategy"

Tang Yao- " If the strategy is to annoy the fuck out of me, sure, its a great one. And guys, you should know, the CK's jungler is my ex. We sorta dated in high school and it didn't end well. "

Little fatty laughed " I saw that post on Legend of the White snake....hahaha I couldn't stop reading it"

Lu Sicheng - " She's telling the truth. Our mid dumped him " They all abruptly stopped laughing to exchange looks . Only chessman and smiling sat stone faced.

Tang Yao had used the gap to execute her signature flash and attack after leading the jungler on pretending she was farming. " First blood , Kill! Double Kill" She had also taken CK's mid out.

Lu Sicheng- " Nice! And boys, that's how it's done. "

Tang Yao -" Wake up the rest of you and come to mid. Let's kill some more , let's kill some more We can end this"

Lu Sicheng- " We know! Stop bouncing or you'll poop your pants"

Tang Yao - " Can't you forget about this? Or atleast don't remind me" The others laughed as they killed everyone and the second game also ended quickly afterwards with another victory for ZGDX. 

As they took off the headphones, they could hear the audience cheering.

[ ZGDX!!! Go go go]

[ Smiling....marry me , you hottie]

[ Hubby, Chessman, smile for me]

They waved at everyone and got up to shake hands with the losing team. The commentators commented -[ Yang God seemed to be sleepwalking when compared to Tang Yao or K.][The chessman had demonstrated his signature ruthlessness showing no mercy. It seems ZGDX has two attack dogs now! Smiling has once and for all silenced everyone who says girls can't play e-sports!]

Smiling and the captain  were the last in the line to shake hands. She quickly shook hands with everyone and finally shook hands with her ex. He held on to her hand for a few more seconds.

" Yao Yao, you have become stronger. I miss you, you know."

Tang Yao- " Can we please not do this now, or ever actually. We were done a long time ago, for both our sake, you need to move on" and tried to yank her hand.

He was about to say something when the Chessman extended his hand for Jian Yang to shake. Having no other choice he let go of her hand and she used the opportunity to get away from him.  Lu Sicheng followed her immediately and they made their way to the backstage area. She ran to the restroom again immediately and discovered that her period had started. This was a bad cramp and in her experience it was about to get worse.

Xiao Rui was saying as she reentered the dressing room , " We are all invited to the post game carnival. We should go. The press are also looking for our Smiling and the captain for the post game interview"

The captain and Smiling replied together " I can't go" He was about to object when he saw how sick the captain was and saw Smiling clutching her stomach. He arranged for a taxi for them to go back home since the others would be taking the team bus.

On the car ride back, Lu Sicheng asked her " What's wrong with your stomach?"

Tang Yao - " I didn't poop my pants, if that's what you're worried about" When he gave her a look, she sighed and said, " I have a bad stomach cramp." When he kept looking at her clueless, she realized he needed more of an explanation and continued, " My period has started. My stomach cramps badly and my back hurts. That's why I was queasy today" He nodded accepting the explanation.

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