Back to Black

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Note- Title is from the song Back to Black by Amy Winehouse.

Tang Yao just held him while he composed himself. For the first time in years, he felt unburdened. He had a shoulder to cry on, a support to lean on. He said, " I love you so much. I want you for the rest of my life. You are my north star." She blushed, " I..." and opted to kiss him unable to find the words to respond to that. She felt the same way.  After a few minutes she stood up , " I'll go downstairs first. I will leave you to compose yourself. Just keep in mind that everyone in this house admires and supports you" 

Tang Yao came downstairs to find Old Cat, K and Little Fatty debating about what they wanted for dinner. She was about to join them when she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Lu Yiu. He said seriously, " Sister-in-law, thank you for taking care of my brother. He deserves someone awesome like you. I...I promise I will be more responsible too." She colored in shock and her eyes darted to the rest of the team. He continued, " They don't know yet ...Ming-ge and I sort of overheard you guys talking...Just promise me, you'll at least tell us before you go to the civil affairs bureau. "He winked at her and left to join the others.

She was just composing herself when Lu Sicheng came downstairs. He cleared his throat loudly getting everyone's attention. Everyone looked up in surprise.

He spoke in a clear voice, " I would like to start by saying , I am sorry. I have been extremely irresponsible and absent this week. Ever since shortie got blades in the mail, I have been worried about potential threats. She could have been seriously injured had the blade struck her a couple inches higher.I have been working with the police non stop , that's why I have been gone. They suspect it came from JK. Team JK is planning a wild card entry. I have been trying to help the police prove that it was them that sent this package. As for today's game, I was arrogant and prideful. My left wrist as been a bit inflamed , so I didn't want to play a long game. I should have been upfront with you all instead of choosing a random champion. I forced you to adapt without giving you any warning and for that I am sorry. Old Cat, K, Fatty , Tang Yao- today's loss was not your fault. I apologize for keeping all this from you." He finished his apology with a bow. Everyone except Tang Yao was shell shocked. Minutes ticked by as they all stared. Even Lu Yiu was a bit taken aback.  After five full minutes, when no one had moved, Tang Yao gripped the captains arms , looked into his eyes and said, " Apology accepted", she mouthed 'love you' to him as she dropped her hands and walked towards the kitchen to fetch the wrist brace. She kicked Little Fatty in the shins as she walked past. Her kick shook him out of his stupor and came towards the captain and said, " It's okay Cheng-ge. Thank you for taking care of us"

K- " Thanks for sharing the truth. We're sorry too that we behaved like brats."

Old Cat- " I promise we will behave as well and not provoke JK. We'll protect each other. You should take care of your wrist."

They had all moved on to discuss dinner. Tang Yao sent a text to the captain [ Honey, your brother and Ming-ge overheard us. They know]  warning him. Lu Yiu came to his brother and said, " I promise I will work on my bratty ways ge. So, am I getting  a sister in law soon?" he winked. Lu Sicheng just smiled and left.

The next day, they were in the semi-finals against TAT. Ah Tai, the mid who defeated Tang Yao was the mid of that team. While the cracks in the team had healed, they needed a win. She knew that Ah Tai would target her again. To kill two birds with one stone, she piped up that morning at breakfast , " Guys, I have an idea for the game today. Let's use 4 protect 1 strategy. I will still pick Le Blanc as my champion because I'm sure they are arrogant enough not to ban it . But if we play this strategy with Le Blanc it will confuse the hell out of Ah Tai . Then later in the game, I can kill him easily"

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