That's what I like

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A/N - Chapter title is a Bruno Mars song - "Jump in the Cadillac;(Girl, let's put some miles on it) Anything you want (Just to put a smile on you);You deserve it baby, you deserve it all  And I'm gonna give it to you; Gold jewelry shining so bright;Strawberry champagne on ice;Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like"

Tang Yao and Lu Sicheng arrived in Vegas the next day. The sensory overload both dazzled and overwhelmed them. The only benefit was that it left Tang Yao with zero headspace to think about her parents or Little T. Exactly as Lu Sicheng had intended. They walked the strip, went from casino to casino enjoying the sights and sounds. Even playing a game or two.

After two days ,they were both ready for a break. Lu Sicheng rented a car, and they decided to drive four hours to Bryce canyon. Tang Yao had been there once and she had always wanted to go back. They camped under the star, enjoying nature and being with each other. Lu Sicheng saw what life could be like with her- he felt supported, calm and balanced. Meanwhile, despite everything she had gone through in the past few weeks, Tang Yao felt emotionally secure lying in the comfort in his arms.

She talked more about her childhood and he told her what it was like growing up to be the heir of the family business. They found much in common. She remarked, " I think I have finally accepted that my parents are not really part of my life. At least not now. I have given them many opportunities, but, they don't seem to care. I mean family will argue, disagree, fight but they will never abandon each other like this. You know what the strange thing is, I have come to expect so little from them over these years that I don't even feel all that heartbroken now. Guess that has passed, huh?", with a sad smile.

He pulled her close, " People often say you can't choose your family. I don't think so. We were all blessed with family as we come into the world. But only some of them stay as your family. It doesn't matter how long you have known someone, or have a specific reason, some people just make you feel like you're at home with them. When you know, you know"

He stayed silent as she pondered over his words . In a very short period of time Lu Sicheng had become her family. She felt at ease with him, she knew he'd be in her life a long time. She responded softly, "I guess that is true about family. When you know, you know."

Lu Sicheng sat up and blurted out " Shortie...."

" What?" she asked as the faint glow of the campfire outside illuminated her face. It made her glow like Lu Sicheng's heart did.

" Marry me." It wasn't a question, there was no ring, no production. Just a statement, the truth.

Her mouth opened and shut a few times. When you knew, you really did. Taking a deep breath, she responded " Okay". His answering grin could have powered an entire data center in Tang Yao's opinion.

The next morning, he woke her up early and proceeded to drag her back to their hotel. She kept asking him what the rush was, to which he kept saying, " You'll see. It's a surprise".

When they reached the hotel, she saw Jiyang and Ai Jiya standing in the lobby with Lu Sicheng's parents and Lu Yiu. After she said okay, Lu Sicheng had called his parents as soon as she had fallen asleep and chartered a flight. He insisted they pick up Jiyang and Ai Jia and begged them not to bring the extended family along.

He pressed a black Amex card in her palm and said, " You'll need this later"

Seeing all of them finally clued her in. She stopped him from entering the lobby and exclaimed "You want to get married now? Today?"

" Yes, now, today! Don't think, don't fret. Do you love me?"

" Yes...but.."

" Do you want to marry me"

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