Fix You

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Note- Another song title. An amazing one by Coldplay.

" Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones and I will try to fix you"

After a few minutes, Lu Sicheng pulled apart. His shirt had bloody hand prints and Tang Yao looked around for Ming ge.

Lu Sicheng- " He left and left his keys"

Tang Yao was only slightly embarrassed. She needed to stop Lu Sicheng from doing something rash and she needed the comfort. " He knows", she said flatly.

Lu Sicheng nodded yes and added, " He won't say anything. I'm sure of that. Shall we head back?"

Tang Yao shivered involuntarily. She wasn't quite ready to go back to the house just yet. Lu Sicheng was angry, he thought to himself ' How dare they take away our comfort in our own home. I promise I will get to the bottom of whoever sent this to you and I will make them pay.'

Lu Sicheng- " Let's not go home just yet shortie. Actually, I don't want to go back there tonight. I don't know what I will do, if I do. I have an idea. Come"

He drove her to a small but elegant house just a few miles from the ZGDX house. Despite being inside the city, it had a remote feel to it. The house was in the middle of a Zen garden on a cliff overlooking the Shanghai skyline. She instantly felt calm. Mesmerized, Tang Yao asked " Where are we?"

Lu Sicheng smiled, " My house. I bought this place a couple years ago with all the money I earned playing LOL and some investing. Its a place for me to escape from everyone and everything. I come here from time to time. You are the first person to visit....My family hasn't been by yet. I thought you could do with some peace right now"

She smiled, " Thank you. It's really beautiful...I ..I " He just hugged her tight and released her. ' So this is where he escaped to' , she realized.

Lu Sicheng- " Come inside and feel free to look around. I'll get you something to drink and find us something to eat. Its almost 6 pm and we haven't eaten anything yet" She wandered through the three bed 2 bath cottage. It was light, open and luxurious with breathtaking views of the city. The decor itself was very neutral and simplistic but oozed comfort. She had a feeling that everything inside was customized to one man's impeccable taste. As she stood taking in the sunset from the balcony, an arm snaked around her waist. He handed her a glass of chilled white wine," I had a feeling that you needed a drink. Just the one. No more." She smiled thanks and he kissed her cheek " I'll cook us some dinner"

" Wait, you can cook? Is there anything you can't do?"

He shook his head and they made their way to the kitchen. " I don't have a stocked pantry here. Just some dry pasta and sauce. I had no idea we'd be here today, or I would have gone food shopping" She smiled as she watched him cook the pasta, saute some butter and toss the cooked pasta in the canned pesto sauce. It was a decent meal.

Tang Yao -" Not bad" He ruffled her hair and said, " Brat" affectionately. They chatted lightly avoiding the incidents of the past few weeks. When they were done he stared at her blood stained clothes and said awkwardly, " Do you want to take a shower? I have some clean clothes. They umm..won't fit you but if you leave your dress out, I can launder it for you" He didn't want to assume anything and he wanted to give her space without making it awkward in anyway for her. He had after all brought her to a practically isolated place and she was rather young.

Tang Yao frowned- " Yes, I'd like to get out of these clothes." He led her to his room with the attached bath, opened his closet and said, " Help yourself to anything you want. I will be outside". He closed the door behind him and left. She carefully removed her blood stained T-shirt and jeans, and showered taking care not to let water fall on her neck. She washed her hair in the sink to avoid getting her neck wet. When she was done, she went over to the closet with a towel around her body and hair and looked. She found a Metallica T-shirt , smiling wryly to herself, she put it on and walked out of the room.

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