Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Just walking down the street with shopping bags?" asked Nicoletta, Sarah nodded "Oh that's bad."

Sarah had told Nicoletta, Maxina, Natasha, Mik and Niya about her encounter with the powerful witch who hadn't discovered her powers over breakfast, naturally. They did sit at her table. All showed high levels of concern, well all except Niya who was too concerned with the ceiling to be paying attention to what was being said.

"Look as much of a problem this is for all of us, if that witch discovers her powers, or worse joins the vampires. I really don't think you should tell EVERYONE Sarah," Natasha said pointing with her head at Devil.

Sarah turned her head to see the fiery tempered Devil pointing a flaming spoon at Darrel while yelling at him, though her voice was drowned out with the sound of the food hall.

"She would attack the witch like the hot-headed bully she is," Maxina said in a mad yet childish voice.

"I see your point," Sarah said "This will stay between us."

Natasha sighed thinking deeply about what Sarah had told her "I don't know if it's worth it or safe to find out more about this witch but it's true that more information is needed before we make a decision on what to do."

"Well if anyone sees her again, report back to Natasha," Sarah said cheerfully trying to lift their spirits. The threat of a mega powerful witch coupled with all the vampire attacks they had been having was not welcome news to them.

"I'm thinking," Natasha swallowed "that Heather might be the only one strong enough to help us on the magic side if we do decide to do something about this witch."

Even from across a room full of myths Sarah could feel the presence of Heather. Though she had never seen Heather at her limit of magical power Sarah knew she was strong, but Heather's loyalty had always been questionable. Maxina made eye contact with her and Sarah could tell. Maxina felt the same.

Natasha on the other hand was trusting of people and since Heather had never done anything to harm the hotel Natasha didn't see a reason to doubt her. Still beyond her trusting nature Sarah could almost smell a flicker of doubt toward Heather in her.

Mik was staring at Sarah and drooling in his cereal. Sarah sighed and rolled her eyes. Typical werewolf "So Nicoletta any news on the vampires?" she asked.

"Jayson found a few mortals that were sucked dry. So there are a group of vampires out there somewhere, we haven't seen them yet, so we don't know which side they are on," answered Nicoletta.

"Well tonight I will look for them. Anyway I'm done," Sarah got up and left the table.

Niya decided to sit on her honey smothered pancakes and rest her legs on the backs of the chairs beside her. There was a reason why no one sat directly next to Niya. Nicoletta giggled at her but the others ignored her. Being used to years of Niya.

Mik was watching Sarah walk out of the food hall. Damn. He could follow her... but last time he did that she got really angry so maybe it wasn't the best idea. Then he thought I should go and see my alpha Luke and the rest of the pack he had not seen in weeks though he was sure Luke would be very angry at him.

He got up and left the girls at the table. Maxina watched him leave; her eyes piercing his back. She most likely has a crush on me but I am not interested Sarah is the only one for me, he thought. Besides Maxina is kind of freaky with all that blue. No, not with blue, Maxina is blue.

"Let me go!" yelled Nick.

Sarah had Nick pinned in a training battle. He was struggling but getting nowhere against her strength. Werecats have their cat's strength in human form too. Athena gave them amazing fighting abilities, so she was pretty much unstoppable. But other myths don't seem to get the message.

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