Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I stood outside her room looking through the crack in the door, damn I'm so good at hiding, she'll never realise. Hehehe.

She seemed to be reading, she was on her bed staring at a book so that's naturally what you'd assume. Her small dragon Moon Light was curled up to the right of her and the Hotel's chocolate brown cat Max on her left also curled up. Crazy cat lady, and crazy dragon lady. I smiled. A dragon lady describes her well, she is vicious like a dragon but I like it.

She let out a long breath, a sigh.

"I know you're out there," Shit get ready for the punches "you might as well come it, there's a better view."

What is this? Is she finally coming to love me? I knew the day would come!

I pushed open the door "Sarah my love how kind of you."

"Yeah well don't get used to it," was her reply as she lazily turned the page, her magnificent eyes not leaving it.

I sat down on the end of the bed. Max lazily opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Awww he is so cute!" I exclaimed. I went to pat him and his jaws opened wide and locked onto my hand, biting deep into my flesh. I tried to play it cool and shake the cat off. I managed to free a bit of my hand and then he bit harder and deeper, drawing blood.

Sarah smelt the blood and her eyes looked at my hand, a small smile crept onto her face.

I tried to pull my hand away from the cat but he came with it.

"Need some help?" her tone was mocking.

"I'm fine," I said through my teeth and winced from the pain, this little cat had one hell of a bite.

"You better watch out he might bite your balls," she said dully and went back to her book.

I gulped "ok play time is over Maxy."

I tried to pry his head off but it wouldn't budge. I could sense Sarah smirking.

"Ok get him off me," I begged.

Her smirk grew and she meowed. Max let go immediately. Damn she's amazing.

"Now usually I'd ask what you wanted of me but I won't because I already know," She told me and she looked back at her book.

She knows me so well!

Max returned to his curled up position at her side and with a final glare he went back to sleep.

"So what are you reading?" I asked.

She lifted up the book to show me the cover Halo.

"Is it good?" I asked.

She nodded in reply and turned the page.

So beautiful. I reached out to touch her leg, her bright green eyes gave me a terrifying glare and I moved my hand away.


Religion is so boring....

The teacher put us into groups and my group was at the back of the class. The other girls were talking about one of Jesus teachings, I had my back propped up against the wall and was just about ready to go to sleep. My eyelids felt droopy but I had to stay awake. I yawned. The girls gasped. Oh gods! I can't believe I forgot... again. Every time I yawn my cat teeth come out. So those girls just got a full view of my teeth. My mind raced thinking of things I could say "What is it?" I asked pretending I didn't know.

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