Chapter 12

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It was about two days after the disaster at the beach and can I say I was so glad to be back. I was on edge at the beach, the influence of Poseidon who wants to drag any werecat who wanders into the ocean into the depth to drown. I shiver at the thought, it would be such a careless way to go.

"I got attacked by a seal," said Iris.

I tried not to burst out laughing but failed. I laughed so hard I was on the ground. "Well you don't have to be so mean about it the same thing happened to you," she growled.

I got up off the floor and said "You're right sorry."

Iris rolled her eyes "anyway we have a pride meeting today so we probably should get going."

"Yes," I said "Moon Light!"

The little dragon crawled out from under my bed


"We are going to a pride meeting what to come?" I asked her.


We walked out of my room and down the hall. As we stepped into the elevator Iris asked me "should we get Devil to drive us?"

"No," I replied "unless you want to die!"

"Come on she isn't that bad," Iris said.

"She nearly hit two people last time and did run over a dog. I trust Devil with my life in a battle but when I'm in a car with her NO WAY!" I explained.

The elevator stopped and we got out on the busy first floor. Many people were rushing about doing their daily business most carrying dangerous looking weapons.

"So how will we get there then?" asked Iris.

"Just follow me," I replied and led her out the back door into the forest. A rush of energy flowed into my body as I stepped into the forest. "Iris, do you know whose house backs onto this forest?" I questioned Iris.

"Ummmm.... That annoying rich kid Trevor?" she said sounding unsure.

"Ewwwwwwww but you are right. Except I'm talking about Elektra not some annoying mortal," I told her.

Moon Light snorted and a puff of purple and black smoke arose from her snout. "Ok but wouldn't it take forever to walk there through the forest?" asked Iris.

"Who said anything about walking?" I said right before I shifted into cat form. Iris followed my lead and shifted into her cat; a horse sized Siberian tiger. With my mind I told her follow me.

She nodded. I started to run, she followed me and Moon Light flew over us. My feet took me through the forest I had lived 7 years of my life in. I know the forest as well as you would know your house but Iris is newish she hasn't even been here for a full year.

Without even thinking about it we arrived in Elektra's backyard. Iris and I shifted back and Moon Light landed. We made our way to the back door and I knocked on it. After a while Elektra came to answer it.

"Hi, I wasn't expecting you to come from this door," Elektra said.

"Yeah we came through the forest," I told her.

"Ok anyway come in Tilly isn't here yet," Elektra told us as she opened the door further for us to fit.

We walked in and Moon Light ran in looking for Shadow to play with.

"Hahaha I can see someone has been missing a friend," giggled Elektra as she watched the little purple and black dragon sniff around.

"I don't think Mik followed me here but you can never be too sure," I said suspiciously glaring at all the windows.

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