Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Finally out of the car or actually I fell out of the car and on to the ground. Car rides with a bunch of myths are not fun. Devil and Maxina have to sit next to each other to balance each other's powers out. They don't like that at all. Then there is the little goblin boy Matthew, he plays jokes on everyone. Like throwing random stuff at people.

Anyway it was not pleasant. Mik got out of the car and saw me.

"You look hot with your face in the mud," he said. Such a strange compliment.

Vanessa got out of the car and stood on me. I groaned as she walked off so I got up and dusted myself off. I took a deep breath in, I smelt the salt water in the air and shivered.


I will not go in the water. My mother told me that if I went into the ocean Poseidon would pull me under the water and drown me. I cried myself to sleep that night because I loved the beach but I didn't go ocean ever again. I'm not going to go in now.


The ocean... I saw in on the horizon. So beautiful, so much water. My powers grew stronger as I smelt the salty air.

Heather got out of the car and looked at me "It makes your powers stronger doesn't it?"

I nodded "yeah, I love it."

"It's strange how nature can influence magic like that."

"I don't think it's strange, I'm a water witch!" I exclaimed making my hair turn to water then flicking it fabulously.

She smiled at me "You're still so inexperienced Maxina."

"Maybe...." I trailed off "I'll get stronger."

"I could always help you."

"But you're an electric witch..."

"It doesn't matter, I can still help you improve."

"I'll think about it," I told her and she walked off.

It is true that I'm not as strong as her or a lot of other witches but my magic will get stronger. I know it will. I just need more practise that's all. Water magic is a fairly common magic so it's not meant to be that hard to master. It's just the stronger spells that I struggle with. Maybe this trip will help improve my magic.


We were staying at a human's motel. I am in a room with Maxina and Natasha. Natasha looked at the room and asked "How long do you think it will take Devil to destroy this place?"

"I'll give her two hours," I said then heard an explosion "maybe one."

"She destroys too much if you ask me," said Maxina.

"We didn't," I said.

Natasha giggled. "Anyway, are you turtly ready to go to the beach!" shouted Maxina.

"I guess," said Natasha.

"I've got the cutest new bikini!" Maxina screamed and clicked her fingers. Her clothes disappeared and a bikini appeared on her body. She began modelling it doing stupid poses.

"Maxina you do know I could die from going into the water?" I asked Maxina but she was too busy modelling to hear me. Mostly doing her emu pose. She puts one hand on her hip and the other in the air in the shape of a bird's beak. She then goes around a pecks people. I don't know why she does it but then again I don't know a lot of things that go around in that crazy head of hers but I'm guessing there would be a lot of blue.

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