Chapter Three - Investigation

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"What is the most important thing to be able to do as a hero?" Hisakawa asked, glancing around the room for a bit before pointing at Baisho, who practically jumped out of her chair to answer.

"To kick ass!!" she said, and a frown formed on her face when her teacher shook her head.

"Good enthusiasm, but no," Hisakawa said, pointing at another student.,

"To take names?" Brown offered, and his teacher blinked for a moment.

"I might be missing a reference here," she admitted, holding a hand up to her head, "Daigo, how about you?" she asked, turning to look at the left side of the room. He shot her a glare, rolling his eyes into his skull.

"What? Answer this primary crap? No way. I'm not here to pay attention to menial lessons.." Daigo scoffed, driving his pencil harshly into his paper until a hole formed. Hisakawa nodded, taking another step to the right of the room.

"Keep in mind you are all still on lockdown. Until I have cleared use of Gym Gamma with Nezu, you're going to have to deal with my 'menial lessons'", she responded, earning a loud "tch" from her student as she returned her gaze to the board.

"Now, would someone else like to answer the question?"


It's been 5 days since Hisakawa took over as the homeroom teacher of 2-A. And in those five days she's successfully turned the entire classroom upside down searching for any evidence of Henko.

It was as if he had never existed in the first place. The cabinets were mostly empty apart from a few files and a couple of odd tabloid magazines. The only other papers were old graded tests, which she used to pinpoint the other former teacher's handwriting, but found no trace of him either. The layout of the classroom had been changed so many times by the students that there wasn't anything "out of place" for her to point out. It was difficult to find any information at all about either candidate, and the other teacher didn't even have a name to go off of.

"Nezu gave me literally nothing..." she said under her breath as she went through the files again, adding a few new ones she had gathered from Henko's old desk in the teachers lounge. She also collected a handful of written interviews with numerous teachers, all of whom didn't talk to him as much as they'd have liked to. She had moved the desks and chairs to the side and sat in a circle on the ground, the papers placed methodically around the classroom in front of her. She tossed each one in separate piles, glancing over at the clock every now and then to make sure lunch was still going on.

After all, she looked quite psychotic, sitting on the floor surrounded by crumpled up records. If someone caught her in the middle, they might get scared of her.

"Wow.. this is some mess.." A voice commented, holding in a laugh but doing a poor job hiding it. Standing in the doorway was All Might. He carried a small bento box labeled with her name and several hearts surrounding it. His expression was gleeful, but Hisakawa was unmoved. She rolled her eyes, standing up from her seat on the floor.

"Says the man whose room looks like a tornado touched down inside it," Hisakawa quipped, taking the box from his hands. "Not like you even sleep there anyways."

"Harsh," he said, shrugging his shoulders as he glanced at the piles of papers and files. "What are you looking for?" he asked, gesturing to them. The heroine sighed, brushing her glasses up to pinch the rim of her nose.

"Anything Henko related." She said as she returned to her spot on the floor and opened the container. She stared at it blankly before breaking the chopsticks in half, using them to eat the pork katsu inside. "If I can find any notes he had, I might be able to cross examine his handwriting with police records.." she said between bites, pointing at the files on the floor.

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