Chapter Thirteen - Fran's Plan

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There is a legend passed down through Akechi's family of a time when quirks were new. In this tale, ordinary heroes would rise up against evil, not because of their strength or skill, but because of their unbreakable desire to help those who need saving. They would trade their lives for the sake of a brighter future. That was the time of her first ancestor, the one who carried the wisdom of the past and defined the family virtue. And from a young age, Akechi has worked tirelessly to fulfill that legend to gain his approval. By every definition, she was selfless. There is nothing that could stand in her way of helping those who need it. But to others, she was blind, naive, and senseless. Her need and desperate hope to prove herself had made her saves callous. Her wins narrow. At least, that was how Kimura saw it.

In fact, those words were the first memory Akechi Chiyo had of Kimura Suzume.


"Do you know how easy you'd be to kill?" Brown said as he tugged Kagari along, a light hum following his question.

They had made their way deeper into the forest, well, Fran had. Kagari had been struggling to get out of his grasp for 3 minutes now. His feet dug into the dirt below, trying desperately to weigh more so Brown would have to let him loose. But unfortunately for him, Brown was too preoccupied with his plan to notice Musen trying to drag him down into the grass.

"Please stop talking, and let me go." Kagari pleaded, scrambling to catch up so his knees wouldn't hit the ground. Brown paid no attention to his struggle, tapping his finger to his chin as if he had an exact image in his head.

"Don't even try. You're really easy to beat up." He said, looking back so he could catch the anger in Kagari's eyes. "You're weaker than most of the class. It'd be a normal fight. I'd knock you out, you'd wake up in an alleyway, usual stuff." The lax shrug of his shoulders sent a shock down Musen's spine.

"Do you always announce it when you have plans like this?" The student finally stood to walk his pace, still wringing his wrist in Fran's hand.

"No." Brown deadpanned. Kagari's wrist cracked as he pulled him forward. "Samurai Kirby's kinda average too, you just gotta stop her from making gang signs. Then the ghosts can't protect her." The shock on Musen's face was uncanny. He stared at the sky as if begging to be struck down where he stood.

"You know you're not actually supposed to reveal your evil plans, right?" He said through his teeth. This caused Fran to finally stop in his tracks, his hand strengthening around Musen's arm. Brown stared at the ground for a moment, a light green gas began seeping from his mouth.

"I'm going to-" he whispered the rest, shaking his head vigorously before turning to Musen, a large grin on his face. "You won't tell anyone right? Because, you know, I'll send you to space if you do." His threat was almost too jarring to Kagari, who took the opportunity to finally get himself out of Fran's grip, clutching his wrist as if it was burned.

"What's your stupid plan anyways?" He changed the subject quickly, trying to avoid 'being sent to space' or whatever else Brown had in mind. Fran's face lit up, excited to share his ideas with someone, even if they were currently held hostage.

"I have about 10 canisters of nitrous oxide that I made before the match started.." He held up one of the canisters he had stowed in his belt loops. Musen's hand pushed his visor up as he grasped his forehead.

"You just casually carry around 10 cans of laughing gas?" He asked, to which Fran shrugged again.

"Not on weekends." He said point blank, adding, "And what's laughing gas?" before he put the canister back in his loop. Musen could feel all his hard work melting away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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