Chapter Eleven - Who We Fight

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Inside the box were her mother's glasses.

Specifically, they were made for her mother's quirk, Teapot, the most dominant part of Yuriko's quirk, Geyser. They were square with gold rims, similar to her old ones, but with a cut in the bridge for style. The lenses were made of thick, compressed glass that couldn't be cracked by steam, designed to withstand any temperature. This proved to be crucial, as with every question the instructor received, the lenses grew foggier.

"So, you and All Might?"

"The rumors were right! I knew you two were together!"

"So are you guys married? Why did you keep it private?"

"This is exactly why I kept us private." Hisakawa snapped, standing from her seat and moving to the front of the bus. Her students chatted behind her, whispering rumors back and forth to pass the time. They had been doing that for the past 2 hours. The road had been relatively smooth, save a few sharp turns here and there. The driver seemed to know what he was doing, even if he was going above the speed limit.

"How long till we reach Shizuoka?" She asked the driver, who didn't take his eyes off the road to answer. The cars passed by in a blur as she looked out the window.

"Less than an hour. But traffic is about to get dodgy." He mentioned, pointing to the bus radio casually. She raised an eyebrow, unsure if he meant tedious or risky.

"How come?" She wondered, only to see the man take out one of his headphones, letting the station he was on play inside the bus. Between the sound of the road and the gossip in the vehicle, the heroine could only make out a few words: Police, Chase, and Shizuoka.

"Police are in pursuit of a few robbers." the driver explained, leaning back in his chair. "They stole paintings from an art museum back in Kanagawa. It's one of those high speed chases. They're causing pile ups across the city." A third arm stretched out from his back, taking the wheel and keeping it in place so his other hand could fish in his bag for a pack of gum. "They call themselves Casanovas. More like Lunatics if you ask me" He mumbled, taking out the packet and offering some to her. His somewhat nonchalant attitude told Hisakawa that this was a regular occurrence outside of Tokyo.

"Where are the heroes in this area?" She asked, declining the gum. Her exhausted expression turned into confusion as the man shrugged his shoulders.

"They're probably busy fixing actual problems." He mumbled, returning his other hand to the wheel. "Most heroes leave this kinda stuff up to the cops." At this, Kawayu rolled her eyes.

"We can't just pick and choose who we fight.." She scoffed. "No one's that special."

"Well you can if you're the only one fighting." The driver replied, cracking the joints in his third wrist. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen any heroes patrolling for the past few days." Hisakawa's brow furrowed, her hands going from her hips to falling to her sides.

"No patrols?" She said almost in a whisper, as if caught off guard. It was something she thought was impossible to hear. Wasn't there an overabundance of heroes in Japan? Isn't that what she's been told-

The bus jerked to the side violently, avoiding an oncoming collision with three cars in front of it. They had all stopped simultaneously, rear-ending the vehicles next to them. Everyone inside the bus had been thrown to the left. All except for Hisakawa, who had grabbed onto the handrail to keep herself upright. Though the window was blurry, she could make out a van traveling next to them, its back end dented inward. The loud conversations inside had turned into a low murmur as everyone tried to get back into their seats.

"What was that?" Hisamoto asked, leaning back into his chair with a queasy look. As the bus worked past the traffic, other students had similar remarks. They all complained for a minute before Hisakawa turned the radio on full volume.

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