Chapter Five - Yamato Vs. Musen

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Before coming back to U.A., Hisakawa had a set idea of how class schedules worked. Usually homeroom only takes around 10 minutes. Then the first class would begin, taught by another teacher. Then second period, third, fourth, and lunch, where she would sit in the cafeteria. However, the school had since grown past that. Now at lunch, students eat where they want. Most of them hang out in the hallways or in different classrooms with friends. Since Hisakawa wasn't trusted by her students yet, she spent most of this time planning classes alone. But there was always an off chance that students would come sit with her on occasion, like today.

"Can I eat here? There's a fight outside." Kagari Musen asked, peeking through the doorway before opening and instantly shutting it behind him. Hisakawa leaned forward, setting down the book she was reading.

"What's going on out there?" she asked, standing from her seat to glance out the classroom window. It led down into the hallway where a few students seemed to be exchanging in a yelling match.

"Look what the dog dragged in!" a male voice said, followed by a female voice, crying out; "No amount of makeup will ever make you look pretty, Inugami!" Her comment went unnoticed by the student, who clicked her shoes in the direction of the lunchroom. Meanwhile, another student shot back at them, continuing the fight.

"Oi!" he shouted, restarting the conflict outside. Recognizing the voice, Kagari's eyes rolled into the back of his head. He smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand.

"Ugh, he's utterly insufferable.." he muttered under his breath, the book in his hand shaking, "Trying to get us all expelled again, stupid idio-" Kagari started before Hisakawa cut him off.

"Hey," she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. "Who's trying to get you all expelled again?" she asked, her head nodding to the door next to them. The blank stare on her face told Kagari to keep it simple.

"It's Daigo," he answered, brushing his grey hair away from his face, "He's down the hall, picking fights with the wonder-brats.." Kagari shrugged, placing his lunch bag down on his desk. Hisakawa blinked twice, trying to register what she heard.

"The wonder-whats?" she asked, clearly confused. Kagari clicked his tongue, pointing to the window.

"2-B's hot shots. There's 3 of them," he pointed them out as he went along. "Konishi Genta, he's got spiky red hair. Kuroki Akihono, she's got purple hair. It sticks up like a flame. And Denshi Keisanki, he carries a calculator," he said, shaking his head slowly. "Matsura calls them the wonder-brats cause they keep harassing the weaker students in our class." he let out a sigh, watching as Hisakawa adjusted her glasses.

"This has been going on for how long?" she asked. Kagari held up the number two with his fingers. "2 years, and no teacher has stepped in to stop this? What kind of hero course lets their students do this stuff.." she wondered aloud, knocking her fist on the window before facing Kagari, who tapped his textbook on the desk.

"Maybe their homeroom is just as useless as Henko was. We're in desperate need of stricter rules for those who fail to meet the basic standards.." he spoke with a certain bitterness to his voice, leaning his head on his hand. "Or meaner adults.."

"Being mean won't get you anywhere with the wrong opponent," Hisakawa replied, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Stay here, I'll sort it out in a minute.." she stated, walking back to the podium to file her papers. Kagari faked a salute, opening the juice box next to him.

"Good luck, Kawayu." he said, causing Hisakawa to do a double take.

"You.." she whispered, clearing her throat as she fixed her posture. "You know who I am?" she asked, feeling a bit uneasy at the aspect of someone in class knowing her hero identity. This was the first time anyone in her homeroom had brought it up. Kagari smirked, taking his phone out of his pocket.

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