Chapter One - Decisions

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"Think about what you're doing. If you don't come back here right now-"

"Oh, I'll come back. I'll come back when you clean up the mess you made. Now get out of my way."

"Yuri?" All Might asked, shaking Hisakawa from her slumber. She took off her visor for a moment, pinching the rim of her nose. Blinking a couple times, she tried to remember what she was dreaming about before giving up entirely. After readjusting them, her gaze drifted from his worried face to the blurry window of the car they sat in. It was driving up to U.A., trailed by reporters and news representatives as it moved through the front gates.

It had been a week since Kamino. With All Might's discharge from the hospital came a letter from the commission. It stated that her new assignment was to be given to her at U.A., confusing both heroes. But that confusion, at least for All Might, turned into excitement rather quickly. It had been a while since the two had stepped foot in U.A. together. It gave him a hit of nostalgia to be able to experience the school by her side again. But on the other hand, Kawayu was understandably cautious with it. Given the commission had no reason to be soft with her, she approached the situation with hesitation.

Like it or not, by acting during Kamino, she had broken the law. The heroine expected full repercussions.

The car came to a stop at the side of the school, and the chauffeur led them out and into the doors of U.A. Yuriko looked around the building in awe, surprised at how little had changed since she had been through the school so many years ago. It seemed like a place that was encapsulated by time itself. She wasn't one to reminisce, but something about the area brought back good memories, ones she didn't want to forget.

"I wonder if they still use that ugly stadium.." she groaned, referring to the old training grounds they used in previous sports festivals. All Might shook his head, grinning softly.

"They've definitely made a few upgrades since I took my teaching position here. You'd be impressed." he mentioned, trying to wave his arm, which was still in a cast. Hisakawa did a double take.

"Who let you be a teacher?" she asked, one eyebrow raised. He shrugged, grinning wide at her as they stood before the door to the principal's office. When it creepily opened, it took Yuriko a moment before she looked down, noticing that the principal was, true to rumor, what looked like a rat in a suit.

"Ah! All Might! Kawayu!" he announced, gesturing to them to come into the office. "So glad you could make it! I'm Principal Nezu, pleased to be meeting at least one of you!" He shook Hisakawa's hand rather rapidly before leading them in the office, taking the seat opposite to the two heroes. Bewildered, but maintaining her composure, Kawayu leaned back into the sofa.

"It's an honor to be back at U.A.," she exchanged pleasantries before trying to lean the conversation more into why they were really there, "Though given the crowd out there, I'm assuming it's seen better days" she mentioned, and Nezu nodded in agreement.

"They're all nervous. And rightfully so," he stated, " "We're starting to feel the effects of 'losing our symbol' more and more as time passes, and I fear if we don't do something soon, we'll lose the faith the public has placed in our school." Nezu's voice, despite sounding airy and off-worldish, was prominent and straight to the point. It grasped both heroes' attention immediately.

"U.A. itself has become its own symbol. It represents safety and security for the students that go here. We thought by hiring heroes, even the symbol of peace, we could maintain that security for longer. But it appears not,", he frowned slightly, twiddling his thumbs together. "Many in the staff are unsure of our current direction, and some have even resigned in the process. Needless to say it's been a rough few weeks.."

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