𝔼𝕤𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕠 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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thank you @Yuilesmollbeanuw for this wonderful request ^_^
(sorry i slacked off so much on this >O<)


"I'm... almost... there..."

(Y/N) was running towards the kingdom as fast as they can heavily injured, ready to pass out. Thinking they could take the boss themselves... Oh how they were so wrong...

{20 minutes ago}



"Damn it... I was stupid to think I would do it on my own... oh god I'm such an idiot..."

(Y/N) Could barely think, their arms were being weak... feeling like noodles, and heavy...

Before (Y/N) knew it... they fell onto the grass only a few meters away from the kingdom, before passing out hoping the god of cookies will save you...


Espresso cookie was just at his coffee table mixing some sugar into his coffee mug before taking a sip and sigh of relief. He felt like he forgotten something or felt something was off, but he just shrugged it off, adjusting his glasses and brushed his hair.

"Hm... It appears I feel a bit of disturbance, but I can't... figure out what it is..."

It took Espresso a bit of...10 minutes to finally realize his significant other wasn't in his presence.

Espresso suddenly stood up, took his coat and rushed out the door. He walked around the entire kingdom, asking other cookies where (Y/N) was and have they seen you. Which all resulted in no. Except he got a tiny bit of help from Rye cookie...a tiny bit equals a lot.

"Rye cookie, do you know where (Y/N) is?"

Rye cookie just spun her gun while taking out the wheat from her mouth.

"All I know is (Y/N) was out for a mission partner, other than that I don't know."


Espresso Cookie just nodded and quickly left the kingdom to scavenge around the forest. Espresso cookie was not the usually the cookie to worry since he is mostly care-free, but if he gets worried, he is worried.

"(Y/N)? (YY/NNN)?" Espresso Cookie yelled out for their name, trying his luck even though he thought of (Y/N) being way more far from the forest.  Not even a minute later Espresso Cookie was able to find where his beloved was and immediately rushed to where (Y/N) was, who was passed out hard cold. Espresso Cookie lets out a small sigh as he picked them up bridal style as he carefully walks

"How did I manage to let you loose from my grasp love?"


Espresso Cookie was scolding (Y/N) for running off, and worse of all..not even telling him! He was a bit upset but he was also worried, what if you died? He would feel like his world was lost. Espresso knew you were just like adventure cookie, reckless. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't worry about your safety.

"And that's why you should've told me love."

"At least I came back!"

"Not in the slightest, I carried you home"

Espresso cookie just laughed as (Y/N) looked quite bitter, but at least they know that Espresso would hate if they got in this situation again. He just wants the best for you.

He loves you and you love him

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