Sweet Moment

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I'm back! Yeah, I wasn't motivated to write at my normal time yesterday, but I got eleven hours of sleep last night! That's something new!

Let's just hope that I find inspiration, and a direction. This oughtta be interesting.

Aha! I thought of something... : fluff!

Enjoy! :)


Race can honestly say that this is the happiest he has been in a long, long time.

It's mid August now, life has been going on as normal as it can get.

Race and Spot have been growing closer daily.

Almost all of Race's time is spent in Brooklyn.

"Just...come back to us, okay?" Jack keeps asking him. "I ain't gonna stop you from going to Brooklyn. All I ask is that when you go, please come back."

Race can do that. He also knows that Jack's just wanting to look after him. He gets that.

Do you think I'd never come back? Race wants to ask Jack.

Right now isn't the best time for Jack either; on account of David having to go to school in a couple weeks. Of course, that won't entirely stop Jack and David from seeing each other. It just won't be the same. When David's going to be off at school, Jack's going to get a little lonely. Race vows silently to always be the one that Jack needs when he's lonely.

So for now, Jack and David enjoy every moment they can spend together. In that time, Race seizes the opportune moment to spend time with Spot.

Spot, who he thinks he has figured out, but he never truly knows.

Race thought that he had his emotions figured out. He truly did. Why is it still so confusing? Shouldn't things have gotten easier?

The tiny problem is that neither Race nor Spot have said the words I love you out loud yet. Does that mean that Spot is too cowardly like Race is? Or does it mean that Spot doesn't love Race?

Race hopes it's the former. 

Even though he can't imagine Spot ever being a coward or scared, regardless of the situation.

Maybe soon Race will say it. Maybe he'll be the one to say I love you first, and he'll watch what happens. He just hopes that the situation won't crash and burn. Knowing Race, though, no matter what, something will crash and burn.

He just hopes it's not this delicate new relationship he has with Spot.

Tonight, Spot and Race are side by side lying down on the roof of the Brooklyn newsies' lodging house. So far, each have seen at least two shootings stars.

Race wishes silently that things will get better in the future, and that happy moments like this will never end.

Up here, it's just Spot, Race, the stars, and each other. They don't need the rest of the world.

"What was your name back then?" Race asks suddenly. "Before you became a newsie? When you still lived with your family?"

"I don't think about it much," Spot admits. "I don't know--I'd rather not say it."

"Yeah, I get that," Race asks, beginning to regret asking that. "I don't think I would say mine either." He pauses. "And we both know Jack's."

They both wince remembering the court that dreadful night and all the horrible things that went down. That night was one they both hoped to forget.

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