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Sometime later, after the lunch period was over, she wandered into the art room to find it empty. All for but herself and the boy.

They both stared at each other, an immediate uncomfortableness set over the two, but she shook her head slightly to snap herself out of the daze The girl made her way to her art cubby to grab her things, and when she rose to get to her desk, she found herself face to chest with the boy.

Startled, she froze and tilted her head up to gaze at him, and when she did, she found him looking intently down at her, with the beginnings of a smile upon the corner's of his lips. He took a step back, and with a long, extended arm, gestured for her to go forward.

The girl gave a rather short and uneasy smile to the boy, ducked her head and navigated her way towards her stool and table where she then set up her work for the day.

For the remainder of the class, she kept her head down with her gaze settled on her drawing, refusing to let the boy or anyone else for that matter, see the humilified look that was set on her delicate features. Inside, she was mentally whacking herself for how she didn't even attempt to say thank you to the boy or acknowledge him for more than a millisecond.


{A/n: I stupidly deleted the original of this chapter and no natter how hard I tried, it never amounted to what it was before, sorry D:}

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