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- 私はあなたを知りたい -

- 私はあなたを知りたい -

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✧.* _____ ❝ STRINGS ATTACHED ❞ 🥀


Getō's sight was pulled to the girl on her knees, who watched him as he stood on the edge of the abyss in his despair, his hair damp and his eyes shining with tears.

"You can't end it like this," her beautiful lips yelled at him.

To someone who was solely hunting for fulfillment, and his only fulfillment was his end, nothing more.

"Please, Sir.. Step back-

A few rocks had slipped out from Getō's feet as he just stood there, his hands in slack fits as he watched the bizarre girl with strange clothes on, carefully crawl toward him.

"hold onto my hand" She offered her hand to him, but Getō was dazed, his eyes closed as he felt the weakly placed rocks loosely fall from under his feet, and for a moment, he felt that time had completely stopped and he finally got what he desired the most.

His death.

Until he felt his feet go fully still again, his eyes opened to view the earth beneath and as well as the rocks that were now as new and damp as they had always been, he even felt grass beneath his feet.

how could that be?

It was all barren land, how could he feel grass?

"How is that possible?

"Perhaps I've truly gone mad," Getō says, smiling at the girl he had assumed was an illusion while his awareness was snatched from him and he collapsed to the ground.


Getō felt his head spin as his eyes opened partially, watching the scene before him as he massaged the edges of his forehead until his fingertips came into contact with soft and delicate skin.

His gaze went upwards to look at who the skin belonged to, as a result he only saw the woman he thought was merely a fragment of his own imagination sitting there with her eyes closed and her back resting against the tree while her hands slightly made contact with his hair as he now finally realized that his head was resting in the woman's lap.

His back immediately sprang up, eyes wide as he saw the woman still unconscious.


"you're awake?" He heard the voice speak to him as watched the mystery woman wake up as her hands turned into fists to rub her eyes.

Getō found no meaning in replying to someone who he knew nothing of, even her clothes were weird and she looked like someone belonging to outerspace.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 I 𝙜.𝙨𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙪Where stories live. Discover now