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✧.* _____ ❝ STRINGS ATTACHED ❞ 🥀

"So you're Suguru right? Suguru Getō? how old are you?" Yuma asked, as she stared at the beautiful scenery infront of her, the sky was blue and the weather was unbelievably pleasant, she almost forgot all her worries just because of how calming everything was.

"Yes and I'm 26" he replied, his hands lazily kept on the grass as he didn't care about dirt sticking on them, it felt cool and nice.

"you're 5 years older than me woooow" Yuma's delicate fingers loomed around a small white flower as she picked it up and collected a slew of others.

"this is where you start respecting me more" he sighed, watching her pick out the white flowers while her hair flowed gently in the cold breeze.

"say... don't you feel like your clothes are a bit of a hassle, I mean, you could just wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt, they're much more comfortable than whatever this is, I've only seen my grandma wear one of these when I was 5" she complained as she sat back with the flowers in her lap, as she started making a flower crown.

"They're not really a hassel to me I mean- these clothes sort of define my character? maybe? I just feel myself when I'm in these" he mumbled as watched her fingers as they joined the twigs and flowers.

"I want to go home"

Memories of her dirty but comfortable apartment had flooded Yuma's mind all of a sudden when she heard how getō felt comfortable with those clothes on. She didn't feel like herself here, she still had to do dishes from the previous night- ahh and she didn't even give her dad a call.

"My dad must be worried sick, he was already predicting it would happen since I'm in my early 20s now but now that I finally switched back in time i wonder what he's doing" she sighed smiling, collecting small green leaves from a nearby bush to add some green to the white flower crown.

Getō remained silent, not assuring her anything because to be real, he himself had never encountered a human with such strange abilities, So with him knowing absolutely nothing, he didn't want to provide her any of sort of fake comfort.

"let's go" Getō spoke, standing up as he watched the girl place the flower crown on top of her head.

"you forgot about this 'therapy' you mentioned, you'll still have to do it so lets go it's getting late"

In particular, Getō didn't really care about whatever nonsense the girl spat back then, its just that he had a soft heart, no matter what he has done, the flash of kindness towards someone who had offered him their hand first never diminished.

it almost, Almost felt like she saved him.

"for me to help you, you need to tell me EVERYTHING, like every single thing-

"I will, now let's go"

he grabbed yuma's hand, swiftly pulling her with him as she just went along with him, having no reason to protest at all.

An hour passed and the sun had already began to set, Yuma did feel at ease that she was with Getō, nonetheless she wished to lie down as her legs were about to give up.

"how much longeeerr?" Yuma groaned, making getō look at her with their hands still connected together.

"you're such a child" getō groaned, pushing back his hair as he crouched down to the ground, offering her his back.

"get on, it'll take some time to reach" he sighed making Yuma contemplate for a second but she'd rather get on someone's back than getting her legs sore for the next few days.

"Thank you" she mumbled, her head resting on Getō's shoulder who carried the woman in the same outfit as him with a stoic expression.

"oi, you can sleep if you want."


"tch! don't scream, yes you can."


"Nanako, prepare her a honey bath, I bet we have some of that mixture left, add it to the hot water until I wake her up" Getō instructed the blonde who simply smiled at him, nodding at his request as she quickly ran off.

"Megumi San? wake up it's late" getō sat on the wooden floor, staying a good distance away from the mattress she slept on.

"Megumi San!" He said again, but to his despair the girl had shown no signs of waking up anytime soon.

Getō pushed himself further a bit, his fingers tips touching her shoulder as he stretched his hand to tap on it.

"hmmmm? what's up?" Yuma groaned, turning towards Getō who sat infront of her, legs crossed as he retracted his hand back.

"you slept for over four hours, it's about nine now" he said, rubbing the back of his neck as Yuma stretched and yawned before getting up.

"I've asked Nanako to prepare a honey bath for you, it's helps with relaxing" he murmerd shyly, not wanting to show any sign that he'd actually been kind enough just for her.

"Thank youu, my legs are still sore from all that walking" she commented.

"No need"

"wait but I still can't wear these clothes on my own" Yuma whined , realizing that she might have to be completely naked in front of him again.

"I asked Mimiko to fetch you a kimono, if you dont know how to wear that too then the twins will help you with it" he informed making Yuma nod as she existed the room, seeing the blonde stand infront of her.

"I'll help you to the bathroom" Nanako murmured, heading forward as the older lady awkwardly followed behind, still half asleep.

"call me if you need anything" the blonde said before closing the door leaving Yuma all alone in the wooden bathroom with a lot of candles burning inside.

Yuma sighed before she sat inside the wooden tub filled with water that smelled incredibly well, just like jasmine and honey to be very precise.

"I hope I can go back home soon" was all she said before closing her eyes and relaxing her body inside the hot water that engulfed her completely.

     filler chap, mehhh 👍😭

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     filler chap, mehhh 👍😭

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