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"I don't know where it went wrong" Getō finished telling her all his complaints about this world as Yuma sat frozen, not even knowing what to say

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"I don't know where it went wrong" Getō finished telling her all his complaints about this world as Yuma sat frozen, not even knowing what to say.

"I was just so tired, exhausted of how this shitty excuse of a world works."

"I needed him, I wanted him to do something, I swear I waited for him to call me back, to welcome me back as his best friend, but he never did" Getō had whimpered out with his head hung low, the tears continuesly falling down from his chocolate eyes.

Yuma's eyes too welled up with tears as she saw the man sitting from some distance away from her whimper and cry.

"the taste of a cursed spirit that no one knows, like swallowing a whole cloth used to wipe vomit, I just exorcised and ingested, over and over.. with no one there" he cried in disgust, almost gagging at the memory.

"the image of that petite girl dying right in front of me, it huants my brain. Where was Satōru then? why was he not with me?" he complained once more with trembling lips.

He just needed someone.

Getō had waited so long but no one came.

Yuma closed her eyes to she let down the few tears that needed to slip out before she sniffled and stood up, walking near the man.

Getō silently looked up as he saw Yuma sit right before him while she had stretched out a painful smile, her arms slowly opening to welcome him.

"it was never, and I mean it when I say that It was never your fault for the way you felt"
she told with a sad smile to which he had instantly let out a sob as a response to Yuma's utterly calm and beautiful voice.

Getō's arms reached her waist as he took no time in clinging completely onto the woman who welcomed him as if he was her own even though they were merely just strangers.

Yuma's hands reached Getō's soft locks as she, with the same smile had let the man cry his heart out in her lap.

"it's okay, it will be okay, it wasn't your fault"

After a long hour of Getō whining and telling her more about Gojō Satōru, the man had fallen asleep in Yuma's embrace who herself was half asleep from staying awake for too long.

"I promise you, I'll never let anyone hurt you again" she had whispered to the asleep man much before her own conscience was snatched away from her.


"Satoru, I've heard suguru is coming to jujutsu high for a meeting with the higher ups, did you hear the news?" shokō raised her eyebrow at gojō who seemed to be staring into space.

"I did" he murmerd, closing his eyes before he took in a deep breath.

"do you plan to say anything to him?" she asked again, her fingers fiddling with each other as she looked at her best friend's head hang low.

"what is there to say?" he sighed, looking outside the window with a view of the setting sun, birds chirping a goodbye to the daylight.

Shokō's silence after that sentence made Satoru understand that there was truly nothing left to say, no words or actions are bringing his best friend back, more or less making him blame himself for the rest of eternity.

It was all just my fault.

His brain cruelly repeated the six words again and again, making him push down his head on the table as his eyes started to shut.

"Satoru, don't think it was just your fault, I'm in this with you too" shokō's lips quivered, her head too leaning against the table as both the gullible humans stared out the window.

Their tears were evidence that with the days still going by, the sun still setting, the night still passing following a new day, their best friend, their other half will never come back to them, a mistake that couldn't be resolved...

A mistake so unforgiving.

A mistake they couldn't reverse. 


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hi dear readers!! sorry for the short and late update, honestly i do have so much inspiration for this book but sadly I have a very high fever right now so I couldn't really write, love yall tho !! please excuse me for the time being :(

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