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✧.* _____ ❝ STRINGS ATTACHED ❞ 🥀

"its possible for you right? Satoru"

Just what was he trying to say, Getō stood infront of Gojō with a stoic expression, his hands folded behind his back with his long hair tied into a bun, the rest simply flowing down.

"if it's possible for you, can you really go around telling people it's 'impossible'?" his lips molded into disgust as he gave gojō the most achingly mocking glare, yet the emotions mildly visible on his face.

"Are you the strongest because you are Gojō Satoru or are you Gojō Satoru because you're the strongest?"  the words from Getō's mouth were like hot iron rods pressed against Gojō's skin.

All his life.

Gojō Satōru had been treated like the embodiment of perfection itself, having him on highest pedestal in the society,  the man was truly above everyone in this world.

but even after Gojō's carelessness and immaturity, the man nonetheless knew he meant nothing more than strength to anyone.

and that he was nothing without his strength aswell. 

Perhaps Getō was the only one he could truly laugh with, someone he found thinking of him as more than just his strength.

Getō Suguru saw Gojō Satoru as Gojo Satoru, not the strongest.

Or maybe he only thought so..

"the hell are you saying?!" Gojō's voice broke away from his throat, his brain processing whatever he said just to make sure he wasn't hearing anything wrong.

"If I could become you.."

"then even this foolish ideal would be perfectly plausible, don't you think?" geto's emotionless eyes stared into Gojō's soul as he shamelessly spat the words his brain came up with.

"I've decided how i want to live" Getō sighed, his eyes drooping down the floor as he now stared at his feet.

"so now I'll just do what I can for the sake of it" he muttered, his last words being his final declaration towards his best friend as he turned around to walk away.

"if you want to kill me then do it, there's meaning in that too" Getō's words had rung continuesly in Gojō's brain as his hands came together to launch a void on him.

"i can't do it"

his hand fell back, head falling down in utter defeat.

"not when his back is turned against me."


"Suguru, are you leaving for somewhere?" Yuma cheerfully asked, her back latched onto the wall as she smiled at the man who was tying the last string of his monk attire.

"yes, I'm leaving for Edō for sometime, just got some business there" he smiled back at Yuma who nodded.

"I wish to come along" she said, her hands now joining behind her back as she walked towards getō who fixed his hair while looking in the mirror.

"its a dangerous journey" he sighed, taking out a strand of hair from the front, completing his look.

"I'm capable of protecting myself though" she said with a pout, hands reaching getō's shoulders in attempts to convince him.

"Yuma, no. It's clear you're not aware of the environment of this world." he firmly said, making Yuma groan as she whined before bringing the man closer.

"You're here to protect me though and if i never go out, how will I learn?" she pouted, her hand slowly reaching to hold the side of getō's neck, who slowly leaned into the touch.

he closed his eyes, the imagine of Riko's head getting stabbed replaying in his head before he opened his wide pupils back just to heave for air.

Each thought of that vulnerable girl steals every ounce of air going into his lungs.

"i'm scared i'd fail again" his shivering hand reached up to hold Yuma's warm one that rested on his neck.

"Suguru , I believe you've learnt from something that wasn't even your mistake" she sighed, bringing the man closer as now his head rested on her shoulder.

Yuma could physically feel how much the man was shaking, making her sigh and pity him at the thought.

"I'm not giving myself in your hands, I'm responsible for myself, so if something happens which it won't, it's on me" she rubbed his back before pulling away to see him run his eyes.

"alright, I'll take you with me" he sighed, before taking a hold of her hand.

He supposed she'd be great support for when he sees Satoru.

"wait, AM I SUPPOSED TO STILL BE WEARING THIS?!" She yelled, gesturing to her white kimono that had become a complete mess.

"I'll ask nanako to fetch you a red one, just don't be that loud" he sighed, grabbing her hand and dragging her with him.

"do you know how to use arrows?"


"a knife?"

"I know how to cut onions"

"an axe?"


"tch" getō clicked his tounge at the condition of the frail woman who didn't have any sense weapons at all.

"and you say you're capable of protecting yourself" he said, rubbing his face.

"I'll see what i can do, just take me with you for now" she whined, as getō sighed leaving her to wait to get her a red kimono.

"here, wear this" he handed her the kimono, leaving the room as he left her to put on the kimono.

"alright !"

after a while of Yuma getting ready, the two adults had bid a goodbye to the two kids who stood on the doorway.

"Master Getō, please come back as soon as possible" Nanako sobbed, meanwhile Mimiko just glared at her twin.

"Lady Yuma, Master Getō, please have a safe trip" the brunette bowed at the two before receiving a head pat from the woman.

"We'll see you in a bit, goodbyee" she waved, as Getō waved along but with a slightly subtle smile.

"so, is Edō Tokyo??" Yuma questioned making getō tilt his head in confusion.

"what's Tokyo?"

"you're helpless"

"you're helpless"

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