Chapter Twenty-Four

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There is nothing more awkward then being in an army helicopter with a bunch of teenagers you don't know, all staring at you like they;

A) do know you.
B) acting as if in the time you've been away from them, you've caught the plague.

I mean, there might have been more awkward things that have happened to me, but given my recent memory less, I can't be sure.

Elijah, and the Irish girl, Grace, are flanking either side of me. Elijah has tried to force me to eat roughly seven sandwiches and drink five pints of water. I've managed two sandwiches and one pint before I felt my stomach heave.

Both Elijah and Grace have stopped at least three separate people from asking me any questions just by glaring at them. I don't see why, it's not like I have the answers anyway. I have more questions then anything else. But I'm too tired to actually ask any. I just doze in and out of sleep, my head resting on the shoulder of the boy who I met a few hours ago and yet feel like I've known forever.

"Amelia." Elijah whispers, shaking me awake. I can feel the helicopter lowering as he says, "We're back."

My life hasn't been the most mundane, there's always been weird tidbits or stories for me to tell,
mostly about my parents. But let me tell you, having everyone watch me watch the landscape, hoping for some sort of recognition as we land, will always be one of the weirdest feelings.

I don't recognise the field we're landing in. Nor the huge stone building that sits just a stones throw away. The high wall locking everyone in is as alien to me as my own body has become. I don't know this place or anything about it. Nothing is familiar to me. It feels strange as the chopper drops to the ground in the scorching start of summer sun.

"Anything?" Elijah asks me.

"No," I shake my head.

Because I don't. I don't ever remember coming here. I don't remember arriving or making friends. I don't know anything about this school. Yet my entire body is letting me know it's not a bad place, not like wherever I have just been.

The chopper lands, and the older boy, Stanley, the one who looks just like Elijah, swings the door open. An army of teenagers stand out the front, forming a pathway for me. They stare at me. Elijah steps in front of me, a human shield as we shuffle forward. It's bizarre to be shielded by a stranger who gives off the vibe he will throw himself on a bomb to protect me, when I only know his first name.

It feels like every single person in the place has been summoned for my arrival. Then the crowd parts to the entrance of the main building to revel a striking redheaded woman staring down.

"Amelia," The woman says, smiling. "We are so glad to have you back."

"Er..." I say, because I don't feel like I'm back, but more that I'm arriving. "Thanks?"

"Are we just going to ignore the fact she looks like death?" Grace asks everyone.

I feel like death, so I'm not offended. Elijah doesn't share the same sentiment as his head whips around to glare at her.

"What?" She asks. "Look at her, her dead cat has seen better days."

"You know about Fluffy?" I ask her, which is probably totally inappropriate but this whole thing is bizarre.

"Of course. I know almost things about you. I know you best," She says. Then she glances to Elijah, "Well. Almost."

Everyone seems to be waiting for me to do or say something. I don't really know what, so I say, "Nice."

Declarations of love were never really my thing, they're certainly not now I'm surrounded by strangers. What did they want me to say? Thanks for the warm welcome but I don't know you? How is a person meant to react when they've been rescued from something and they don't even know what?

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