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Wrapped in silence, Jacob looked at the knee for a moment. It was turning blue already, below the skin was something visibly not in its right place.

But Jacob was no medic by any means. He knew first aid and a bit of wound care. Anything else was a number too big for his medical knowledge.

"Alright.", he reached out and wrapped his arms around your waste, pushed you into the right position and put his other arm underneath. "Hold on tight."

With one mighty pull, he got back up as of you were not heavy at all. With a bit of struggling, he adjusted you to have a better grip and started walking.

Confused, you blinked, your arms tightly wrapped around his neck. A wave of heat rushed through your head, suddenly, your cheeks felt hot and a slight red shimmer had spread on them.

"H-hold on!", you were wide awake now, gone was the tiredness and the inhumane longing for a single drop of water. "What are you doing?"

He shrugged and kept on walking despite the fact that you were twisting and turning in his arms, making life a lot harder for him than it had to be.

"Carrying you.", he said in a dry manner and threw you a bit into the air to get you to stop moving like a stubborn toddler.

You blushed.


"Your leg's hurt."

"I... I can walk. It's fine, just let me down."

He stopped abruptly, his icy blue eyes jumped to your face. (E/C) locked with pale blue.

A shiver crawled down his spine.

What was that?

Why was it?

His lips curled in an unsatisfied way before he bit them gently and let out a low growl.

"You're a pain in the ass.", he said and walked on. "With that knee of yours, you'll be slow. I don't want to spend the entire day in the forest. You already took enough of my time today."

Feeling like an idiot, you nodded in an obedient yet sorry manner and lowered your head. Strands of your (H/C) hair fell into your face. The sensation tickled, causing you to giggle slightly.

Suddenly, he stopped again.

You could feel his hands moving, you were pushed from one side to the other, your back now pressed against his chest while his right hand was supporting your bottom.

He was surprisingly strong, strong enough to hold you with one arm. He did look like a mountain man, not only because he was huge but also because of his ginger beard and the shirt he was wearing, but he didn't look that strong to pick an entire grown adult up with just one hand and a bit of good balance.

As you straightened your back out of surprise, you noticed how stiff he was below you.

At the same time, you could feel his muscles pressing into your back, as you leaned back and further into him.

He did have broad shoulders. His stomach wasn't entirely muscled, the lower part felt a bit softer than the middle and his chest. But his arms, especially his biceps and the upper chest area seemed more than well trained.

For his age, only god knew how old he actually was, he seemed in perfect shape.

Judging by the look on his eyes and the army supplies, he must have been around forty, maybe even in his mid-forties, closer to fifty.

Nonetheless, he felt better than most twenty year olds you had seen during your working shifts in the hospital.

A soft gasp escaped you, then you flinched in surprise.

His huge hand got closer to your face.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you expected him to hit you as a punishment.

But as his fingers touched your dry skin, he was surprisingly gentle. As if he was trying to touch a figure of glass and not break it.

Carefully, he wiped the strands out of your face, tugging them neatly behind your ears to make sure they wouldn't fall out again.

He must have had some experience with that because it didn't hurt a single bit and he did it in such a quick, yet gentle manner that you almost felt like your mom did it like she used to.

"Don't giggle like that.", he said in his usual cold voice and pushed his arm back under your legs to get a better hold of you. "It's getting on my nerves."

Without another word, he walked on.

He would have never told you that he wanted you to stop giggling because it made his heart jump. It was ridiculous, the last time he had payed attention to such a thing was back when he was a teenager, trying to get his crush to like him back. That was ages ago, he was a full ass grown man now.

So why did he notice it?

Out of all the years he had dated, all the things he could have noticed about his partners, why did he notice this about you now?

You were nothing but an addition to his herd, a tool to survival and safety for his family.

So why?

With his lips pressed together, he let out a low growl.

You noticed, pulling your head in. His mood swings were still a mystery to you. One second, he was gentle and caring and the next he looked and acted like a psychopath. It would not be a surprise for you, if he just took you with him to feed you to his wolf.

Thinking of it, you didn't know where he was bringing you. The thought of having to go back into that shitty cage made you shiver to your core.

The nights were cold in this time of the year, while the days were warm and sunny, making you crave water and the shade more than anything else.

Plus, now that you had killed a person, it would probably not be the last. Every time you went to sleep and heard this stupid music, you started to hallucinate.

If you did it, others probably did so too. That meant you had no actual power over your decisions and actions. You just dreamed and woke up next to a corpse.

Or not.

If things got worse, you could never wake up again. And you wouldn't even know.

At least you thought so.

Jacob Seed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now