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"Uh, Jacob?", with a racing heart you dug your nails into his army jacket. "Could you slow down?"

Grinning amused, he jumped over a small riverbed and climbed up a hill before stopping abruptly to take a look at his surroundings.

It was a good day to go hunting, the weather was dry, the wind was not too cold but not annoyingly warm and the forest was quiet.

Listening, Jacob turned his gaze back and forth before grumbling and letting you slide off his back.

Tentatively, you dared to put weight on your damaged leg before the soles of your shoes fully touched the ground. A short stroke chased through your knee, it burned for a moment, then everything was numb.

Jacob had rubbed some ointment under the supportive bandage earlier for the pain, but all it did was make you unable to feel your own leg. It tingled up to your thigh and if you dared to lift your leg too fast it felt like your skin would tear like paper.

Jacob slid his hand onto your arm, grabbed the strap of your rifle that was hanging over your shoulder and took it.

He probably would have let you carry it the whole time, but you could barely carry yourself and he didn't want to give you extra work.

"Come on.", he put the strap around his chest and gestured with his hand for you to follow him. "Straight down here there is a large clearing."

You nodded and began to stumble after him.

You hated this feeling that was spreading more and more through your body. It was as if someone or something wanted to grow and devour every inch of your real self.

A cold shiver ran down your spine at the thought. You squinted your eyes and shook yourself to get rid of the feeling. You didn't pay attention to what was happening in front of you and accidentally stumbled into Jacob, who had stopped with his back to you.

Surprised, you let out a soft squeak and tore your eyes open.

Jacob growled, slowly turned to you and gave you a dark look.

"Pup, we are on a hunt. If you close your eyes, that means you're going to die.", he snarled, snapping his fingers against your forehead. "Pay attention."

It didn't hurt, but he had enough force in his fingers to leave a small dark mark on your skin. Sullenly, you rubbed your forehead.

"You're hunting.", you mutter. "I'm just following. Besides, I'm unarmed. What are we hunting anyway? Rabbits? Deer?"


You laughed, thinking it was a joke.

Again he stopped abruptly.

This time you managed to stop in time, but with so much effort that a tearing pain coursed through your knee. A silent curse escaped you.

He noticed it, but said nothing. Lately his powers of observation had been very useful, he had noticed. It was easy to tell when something was wrong with you and so it was all the easier for him to react accordingly. Wordlessly, he slipped his hand into the pocket on his chest and pulled out a plastic bag with white pills jingling inside.

With a look that was anything but enthusiastic, you looked at the contents.

"I don't take drugs.", you said and pushed the bag away from you.

He rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling.

"These are painkillers.", he said, and tossed you the pills. "Take one if you need it. But not more than one every three hours. They are strong."

Skeptically, you caught them out of the air and looked at the small, white pills before opening the bag to take a sniff.

"What exactly are these painkillers? Ibuprofen?", you gave him a quick glance. "I know this one from somewhere."

He shook his head.

"Methadone.", he replied.

Surprised, you raised an eyebrow.



"Are you serious?"


"You're kidding."

His gaze darkened.

"Pup.", he stepped closer to you. "I'm never joking."

A short laugh escaped you.

"Jacob, methadone is used for people with cancer. Where did you even get that?"

"From a hospital."

"Did you steal it?!"

"No.", he thought for a moment. "One of my soldiers stole it. For Eden's Gate."

A shocked sound escaped your lips, but you couldn't help but laugh. It was an insecure laugh. You couldn't believe what he was telling you. With a serious expression you lifted the bag and shook it so indignantly that the pills inside began to rustle.

"Do you take them regularly?", you asked. "Methadone can quickly make you addictive."

A sigh left his lips. Then he rolled his eyes.

"Pup, don't be ridiculous.", he said, snatching the painkillers back. "I don't do anything regularly except train soldiers. I don't eat breakfast regularly, I don't sleep regularly, I don't take a piss regularly. I don't even wash my face regularly."


"This is coming from the very person who looks like a walking pile of shit?"

Offended, you pressed your lips together.

"Asshole.", you whisper with a grin. "But while we're on the subject, I could use a quick shower. Or a bath."

He looked at you for a moment, raised an eyebrow briefly and then had to nod.

"Agreed.", he hummed. "I hope you like cold water."

Confused, you tilted your head and wanted to ask what he meant, but by then it was too late. With quick hands Jacob grabbed your hips, lifted you up and threw you over his shoulder so that your torso hung over his back and he could slap a hand on your ass.

"Jacob!", you protested and trembled in his grip.

But he was already starting to walk.

"It's not far.", he said, sliding down a slope.

"Let me down!"

"You are too slow."

He was surprisingly fast on his feet, considering he was carrying an entire adult human on just one shoulder.

Again you twisted your legs, but all it did was make him laugh.

"I'll drop you.", he threatened, pretending to let you go.

A scream escaped your lips and you clung to his shirt with all your might.

"Jacob Seed, I'm going to kill you!", you cursed.

He laughed.

"You wish."

"I mean it!"

"You won't be able to reach my face, shorty."

"You giant idiot!"

"You've got a pretty big mouth for such a small head, pup.", again pretending to drop you.

But this time, he spun you around, gently tucking one arm under your knees and the other behind your back. His strong arms pressed you against his chest.

Out of reflex, you pressed your hand against his chest. He felt warm under your touch. You could feel every single one of his movements. At the thought, the blush shot up your face and you had to lower your gaze so he wouldn't notice.

"Idiot.", you whispered to yourself. "Stop it..."

Jacob Seed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now