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"Hi, Papa," Lotte said when she picked up the phone. She stopped paddling and slowed down her speed. More people around her braked or slowed down on the bicycle. Everyone stopped in front of the red traffic light.

"Hey, Lot," her dad, Henry, said. "How are you doing?"

The traffic light jumped to green, and every cyclist started to cycle away. It was rush hour on the Dutch streets.

"I'm fine. How about you?" She sniffed and looked around. The cold air slammed against her face; it made her feel sad. The summer officially was gone, and autumn just didn't exist. It was winter cold straight away. No trial subscription... Summer -> winter.

"Good to hear, sweetheart. I'm good," he replied, satisfied. "Are you cycling?" He heard the wind blowing against the microphone of Lotte's phone, or probably earphones.

Lotte passed some cyclists. "Yeah, just finished the last class of today," she mentioned. "Thank goodness," she whispered.

"Ah, I see. Did you have a long day?"

"Half-past nine till now...half-past six." She entered her neighbourhood. "Freaking ridiculous. But how was your day?"

A sigh filled the call. "That's university. Although I have to admit it's ridiculous. But it was a good day, the big project is finally finished. Ah, Pops is home." There was the background noise of someone entering the house. "Hello, love. I've Lot on the phone."

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you doing?" Frederick, Lotte's other dad, asked her. He mumbled something to Henry.

"Hi, Pops," Lotte said and stopped cycling when she arrived at her home. "I'm fine, how about you?" She locked her bike and locked it extra with a chain. Lotte sniffed again and walked to the front door, she lived in a house with two other people: fellow students. "Hey," she softly greeted her housemates and walked straight to her room.

"Good to hear, long day at uni?" Frederick sat down next to Henry on the sofa. "I'm good also."

Lotte sighed and took off her coat. "Terrible long day. But whatever, I'm gonna eat pasta pesto. Makes my day better," she mentioned. There was no way to miss the negative attitude of the young lady. She had a massive dip, the autumn dip.

"Is it that bad?" There was silence. "Anyway, I called you to announce something. Well, what are you doing with the holidays?"

"Nothing special..." Lotte closed the curtains and sat down on her bed. "I don't know. Celebrating Christmas with you?"

"Alright, cool, Lapland it is," Papa said excitedly.

"We're going to Lapland," Pops explained. "We rented a house in Lapland for two weeks. Celebrating Christmas, New Year and just relax."

"Oh, I thought Ines said you were going to Switzerland?" Ines was Lotte's youngest sister.

Henry laughed. "That was the plan. But we got invited by Corinna to go to Lapland with her and Nina and Simon. Just like the old days."

The eyes of Lotte widened, what is happening? She swallowed hard.

"And we haven't seen them in a while. Gina and Mick are, obviously, grownups now. You always liked spending time with them, Co adored it too." Colette was the middle sister in the family.

Lotte could hear the excitement in her dad's voice. "That should be fun," she forced, smiling. "I haven't seen them in a while, so it should be extra fun. Really kind of Corinna to ask us to go with her. How is she doing? And Michael?"

"They're both doing fine. Michael's situation is still the same... You get hugs from them, actually. Corinna can't wait to see you again."

"Have you told her I would go to Lapland without even asking me about it?"


"Papa! What if I had plans or...I don't know."

"You never have plans," Pops snorted.

It left Lotte speechless because it was true. It doesn't matter if I watch Christmas movies here, Maastricht, or back home in Dusseldorf or Lapland. It doesn't change the plan. "You got me there. Uhm, I will let you know my school schedule for the flights. They're messing everything up at uni, at the moment."

Fleece Navidad ☃️ Mick Schumacher (A Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now