Nine days till Christmas

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"I can watch all those white trees and roads for hours..." Ines dreamingly sighed and stared at all the passing trees. "It's so calming."

The group was on their way to Santa's Claus' house. They were divided into three cars: Simon and his family sat in the front car, Corinna, Gina, Mick, and Colette sat in the second car and Henry, Frederick, Lotte and Ines sat in the last car.

"I would almost say this is therapeutic," Lotte said. Since she arrived in Lapland, she had not sat behind her phone once. "I love how we can still drive here while in Germany and the Netherlands, there will be chaos if one snowflake falls on the ground."

Papa smirked, he worked for the Autobahnmeisterei (highway maintenance). "Hint noted. But girls, what do you think of this trip so far?"

"I like it. I don't remember much from the last time we went to Lapland, but it's good to be back. And to see everyone," Ines shared. "And just the fact I have to do absolutely nothing. A big fat break from school."

"You don't remember much from it?" Pops asked.

"I was three years old - the last we went here, Pops."

Pops nodded and looked questionably at Lotte.

"It feels like it is colder than eight years go," she blurted. It made everyone laugh. "Not gonna lie, it feels weird to be with the Schumachers again. It feels awkward, I don't know how to behave... And without Michael. Even though it happened a while ago." Lotte took a deep breath. "But overall, it is fun to be back."

"Why is it awkward?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen them in a while, and it's just... I don't know to explain it. Like they feel like family, but there's distance?" Lotte pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. "But it'll be fine, it's just the first couple of days. I hope."

Papa looked at her via the mirror. "Don't overthink everything, darling."

"I even overthink my overthinking," she widely smiled.

After a few minutes, the cars entered the parking lot of Santa Claus' house. They met up at the reception and waited for the instructions. You had to walk through the forest, the Elf city, to get to the house. Lotte was walking behind in the group, minding her own business. She was walking around with the hood of her coat on and trying to stay warm.

Lotte looked around, it was like she entered the world of the fairies and elves. It made her feel happy. It was just a forest, decorated, the village of the Elfs, but it felt magical. The twenty-one-year-old felt like a little girl again.

Until she gasped for air and felt her heart skip a beat. Before she knew it, she sat on the ground. "Fucking hell," she groaned and started to laugh. Did I really just fall on my bum? The fall probably looked hilarious. She looked up and noticed everyone was still walking and didn't notice it. "Auw," she said and sniffed.

Mick looked around, but something was off. He looked around and noticed Lotte wasn't walking behind him anymore. His face straightened, and he scanned the road behind him. A relieving feeling entered his body when he saw a woman sitting in the middle of the road. He couldn't tell if she was laughing or crying. "Wait, guys." Mick didn't wait for a second longer and walked back to Lotte. "Are you okay, Lot?" He stuck out his hand.

"No," Lotte giggled and grabbed his hand.

"What happened?" He pulled her up and scanned her face.

"I... erm..." Fell for you. No, what the fuck, Lotte. What are you thinking? This is a joke. "I don't know." She looked behind her, seeing an icy part on the road. "I slipped on this part. I'm not made for this cold."

Fleece Navidad ☃️ Mick Schumacher (A Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now