Five days till Christmas

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Lotte sat on the stool in front of the window, staring outside. It hadn't been snowing last night, but it also wasn't a clear day. Yet the view wouldn't disappoint. However, she wasn't feeling it today. She was tired, her muscles hurt, and she just didn't have the energy to do something.

"We need to go to the supermarket," Henry mentioned and wrote the last product down on paper. He took off his reading glasses. "Who is the lucky person to go to the store?"

It stayed silent. Everybody avoided the trip to the supermarket since it was an hour drive in the snow. It wasn't the most comfortable thing.

"Not all at once, please."

Mick looked up from his phone. "I will go," he offered. He was longing for something to do. He did a workout this morning, but since then, he has been bored. "But I don't want to go alone," he shared and looked around.

Henry looked at Lotte, who was frowning now - meaning she was lost in her own mind. "Lot, are you going to the supermarket together with Mick?" It stayed silent. "Lot!"

Lotte's eyes shot to Papa, and they rounded. "Yes?"

"Do you want to go to the supermarket? Then you have something to do," Papa smiled politely, but also hoping she would go so there would be food for tonight.

She nodded. "Sure. Give me five," she mentioned and got up. It was hard, her muscles were sore. A soft, painful groan left her mouth, and she walked towards the hall.

"Amazing!" Henry said and held the notes towards Mick. "Have fun."

"How did you do it this fast?" Colette looked speechlessly at her dad. "There wasn't even an awkward silence."

Henry proudly smiled. "The magic of a dad," he amusingly said.

"Thank you," Mick said when he grabbed the paper. "Anything else we need to get?" He looked around in the living room. His mother, Henry, Frederick, Colette and Gina sat in that area. "Alright. We will see you in a couple of hours."

"Be careful," mum said.

He nodded. "We will, no worries," he smiled and walked to the hall. Mick put on his ski trousers and shoes.

"Oh..." Lotte walked off the stairs. "Are we two going?"

Mick looked up; a smile came on his face. She looked fresher, more awake. "Yes, we are. Do you mind it?"

She shook her head and put on her shoes. "No, no, not at all. I just expected someone else, but it doesn't matter," she smiled. "Do you have the list?"


They walked into the cold, quickly to the car. Mick sat behind the steering wheel, starting the engine. He put on the heating and drove away. "How was it yesterday?"

Lotte raised her shoulders, she was cold. "It was fun," she replied. "Intense, but fun. The views were beautiful, really magical. It made my year. And how was the museum?" She looked at him.

"It was interesting," he nodded. "We visited the science museum. It was educational, but quite boring. That doesn't matter. We had a good day, so that is what counts."

"Hmm-hmm, yeah. I honestly didn't think there would be a museum here, but that's just my own prejudice."

"Yes, I mean, I did too. But it was located in the bog city, so I guess it was normal. We're going to the big city as well now. We are just very...remote from the buzz."

She nodded. "True. I only think of snow and Santa Claus, perhaps a village when I think of Lapland. I just keep forgetting people actually live here."

Mick smirked. "This is still Finland."

Fleece Navidad ☃️ Mick Schumacher (A Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now