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I silently watch my older sister, Beth, as she prepares food for the small party she's throwing with her husband Daniel. I rest my chin in my palm as I lean atop the counter whilst remaining seated on the stool. I take in her worn out expression and frown slightly; she has been through so much in the last year, things that have broken her in many ways as a woman. I open my mouth to offer some help when she calls out to me with her back facing towards where I am seated.

"Hey, Anna, could you pass me the plate just next to you?"

I silently nod then shake my head when I realise that she can't see me at this moment in time. "Yeah, sure. Here." I smile and hold out the large circular plate to her. She turns and smiles gratefully whilst muttering a quiet 'thank you'.

"Hey babe, where did I leave my CD?" Daniel asks as he comes rushing into the kitchen, nearly knocking over Beth in the process as she attempts to leave to take the food down to the basement where the party is taking place. Beth simply shrugs and passes by him, leaving he and I alone.

I can feel his intense and suggestive gaze on me, staring at what he wants but can't have. I fight the urge to flee and instead stand tall and wait for Beth to return. "What about you, Anne?"

I silently shake my head before heading for the door, already abandoning the original plan to stand my ground with him. I just want to be as far from this man as possible, especially in this particular moment. He intercepts me and frowns down at my tense figure. His eyes burn holes into my skin, penetrating my pores without permission.

"Why won't you look at me?" he asks with a soft yet firm tone.

I remain silent as I slowly will myself to look up at the man that made me sick to the deepest depths of my stomach. Then it happens, exactly what always happens when I'm alone in his company. He takes a firm grasp of my arm and leans down to kiss me. I pull back just as the doorbell rings and smile with relief. I pull my arm free of his large hand and without a second glance back at the disgusting predator, I rush to answer the door.


It is just after seven when the party really starts to take off a little, drinks are pouring and so too had the groups gossip. Everyone had arrived earlier on and made their way down to the basement whilst offering me a small greeting. After all, they were mostly Beth and Daniel's friends rather than my own. I had only popped downstairs to show my face and chat to George and Melissa before returning back to the living room to watch the news. I wanted to keep up to date with the storm that was heading to town.


George's voice calls to me from the hallway making me smile, "In here!" I call back whilst keeping my gaze on the news reporter on the large television.

George enters the living room and immediately offers me a grin as he takes a seat beside me on the beige sofa making me smile. "I was wondering where the life of the party had got to." he jokes.

"I'm having more fun up here, less noise." I smile and mute the news in order to give him my full attention for the moment.

"How's the job hunt going?"

"About as good as the apartment search." I mumble with slight defeat.

I drop my head slightly as my previous worries return, I really do want to move out of Beth and Daniel's place before the end of the month. I can't take much more of Daniel's advances, nor can I keep it a secret from Beth for much longer, she has been through enough already. I release a sigh before turning my head as George nudges me playfully with an encouraging smile.

"You don't give up easily, it's one of my favourite things about you. You will find both in time and until then you will always have a spare room at my place. If you ever need anything, Annie, then you can always come to me. You know that right?"

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