• Nine •

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What happens now?

The question dances around in my head, repeatedly seeking an answer I am unable to provide. Mainly because the kiss hadn't been discussed further. In fact, it appeared Ike was going out of his way to ignore me altogether since that tender and passionate moment.

From the second we had pulled apart after his confession, well, he'd backed off completely.

He'd gone from holding me desperately against him with a deep need to now, not even glancing in my direction while he drives down the long road in the police cruiser we'd stolen.

It's like a shift had occurred in him; pulling him further and further away from me with every passing second. Deep down, it hurts, but on the surface, I force myself to appear fine with it. Mainly because I don't wish to appear weak in his presence. At least, not about this.

"You're not gonna get away with this." Beth mutters hatefully in the backseat, her deep glare fixed on the back of Ike's head, causing his jaw to visibly clench and his grip on the steering wheel to tighten with paling knuckles.

I can see him fighting the urge to pull over and give her the punishment he feels she deserves. It shows in the way his eyes harden and his breathing grows heavy, along with the protruding vein upon his forehead. He truly despises her and all that she has put us through tonight.

I wish I could blame him, but I can't.

"Be quiet, Beth." I order firmly, my voice unwavering and possessing a strength that not only surprises myself, but apparently my fellow two passengers as well.

Where did that come from?

I frown while picking anxiously at my black nail polish. Ike still isn't looking at me, but he seems a little more relaxed since I'd spoken up against Beth, so perhaps he's just in need of some momentary peace to think?

My brows dip at that thought, considering it deeply as my green eyes discreetly flick to study him curiously. He still has one of his hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel while the other rests against his head, allowing him to lean against it thoughtfully.

Meanwhile, his eyes stay trained intently on the road ahead, never once straying to anything else around him. To be honest, he looks deep in thought; conflicted and tired even. Like something is troubling him greatly. But what?

"This is my first time in a police car," I speak up in an attempt to break through the heavy silence within the car, hoping desperately to shatter the tension between us. But to my dismay, no response is offered.

So, with a soft sigh and lips pulling together, I turn to look out my window, watching the passing trees and buildings go by. I lift my hand to run my fingertips through my damp hair in distaste, attempting meekly to rid the ends of the small tangles formed.

"You never got in trouble as a kid?"

The question is soft and thoughtful, hesitant, too. It echoes in the emptiness of the car with a volume that catches both Beth and I's attention as we both lift our heads in sync and turn them to look at the troubled man still staring ahead, avoiding our gazes.

Though, to my relief, I do catch a slight glimpse of him glancing to me from the corner of his eye. He is trying to be discreet and secretive about his glances, and up until now, he has been. But, unfortunately for him, I just happened to pay more attention to him than others did.

So, with new reassurance and a smile lifting on my soft plump lips, I mumble a response. "Actually, no. I was the good kid, for the most part." I shrug.

"I can see that," Ike comments with a twitch to the corners of his lips, attempting to fight off a smile.

"What about you?" I turn the question around in hopes of learning more about the man I have come to care for. The man I had betrayed my sister to protect. I want to hear from him directly what he was like as a child, I want to understand him further. If he'll let me.

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