• Four •

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The winds howl through the late afternoon air, like an angry wolf calling out to its pack. The sky that had earlier been blue and bright now remains dark and overcast with grey clouds that threaten to bring rain. I frown at the silence within the confines of the car as we make our way down the road smoothly, all to be heard is Beth's quiet sobs as she continues to process all that has occurred.

I don't turn to look at her in fear of saying the wrong thing, instead I keep my gaze locked on the road ahead, determined not to cave and risk a sneak glance towards the driver's seat. I can't let my emotions best me here, I need to keep Ike at arms length and do all I can to keep Beth and George alive. That's all that matters now.


"How far?" I ask quietly.

Sure, I'd been staying in town for six or seven months but in all that time I still hadn't explored much of the area. I was never the social or adventurous type, I preferred to stay home and read or draw, that was my happy time. Therefore I had no clue where the nearest ATM was.

Ike spares a glance from the road to me, "not far. Five minutes or so,"

I nod, "Okay," I turn to Beth in the backseat and feel sympathy rise in me at her broken and fearful expression. Her previously pale cheeks now shine a bright red as tears stain her face and her eyes grow puffy. She looks awful as she runs her sleeve along her face with a sniffle; it breaks my heart. "It's going to be okay," I tell her softly whilst resting my hand atop hers comfortingly.

She looks up at me and musters a tearful smile, though its clear she is doubtful of this whole evening having a positive outcome. Not that I can truly blame her. "Yeah," she mumbles with a short nod, causing my lips to tip up into a reassuring smile before I turn in my seat to return my attention to the long road ahead. All the while ignoring Ike's discreet glances in my direction.

Focus on Beth. Protect Beth. Ignore Ike.

"We're here." His voice is firm with just the hint of hesitance lingering within the undertones of it.

I observe him closely as he turns the cars engine off and leans back in his seat with a heavy sigh, clearly deeply troubled by the task at hand or perhaps the nights events in their entirety so far. It's clear he is mentally and physically drained as he runs his calloused hand down his face; attempting weakly to rid it of the brooding expression it currently appeared fixed in.

He doesn't enjoy this. He wants an out.

I frown at the thoughts creeping up in my mind, almost defending him without real grounds to do so. I mean, sure, he'd protected me when possible and hadn't done anything particularly cruel to anyone besides Daniel. But again, he was now holding us hostage and demanding on behalf of his mother than we empty all our bank accounts to make up for the money his mother currently insisted Beth and Daniel had stolen from them.

He's a criminal. A thief.

And yet, I already feel myself growing a soft spot for him, especially when he looks at me with those soft chocolate brown eyes that seem to chase away my own demons.

"It's gonna be okay," I find myself saying while extending a tentative hand to rest on his broad shoulder, seeking to offer him a sense of comfort in this tense moment.

His head lifts at the sudden unexpected gesture; his deep brown eyes meeting with my understanding green ones. For a moment, we stare back at one another with no further words spoken and no other movement made. We simply just exist together, searching one another's eyes for that warmth and comfort we both seemed to be able to effortlessly offer the other.

Loyalties - Ike Koffin (OC)Where stories live. Discover now