• Two •

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I had more questions for him but I feared in asking him too many I'd become a nuisance he'd soon wish to be rid of. So, instead I stand and make my way to the living room with his intense gaze watching me closely the entire time. I crouch beside George silently as he continues to work to slow Johnny's bleeding. "Hey," I whisper whilst watching him work in slight awe. He really is a talented doctor, he works so effortlessly.

He spares me a glance and a small nervous smile, one I find myself appreciating more than I should. I'm just glad to know he isn't hurt. "You need help?" again, he silently answers me with a simple shake of his head.

"Are you okay?" he asks me with a cautious look in Ike's direction as he calmly steps into the room with arms folded and his focus on the news report behind us.

"Yeah," I reassure.

"They didn't hurt you?"

"No," I shake my head, "Ike, the leader, seems to be going out of his way to prevent anyone else getting seriously hurt. He's stepped in twice so far to protect me from his brother." I explain with a grateful smile sent towards Ike.

"We need to get him to a hospital." George says quietly, his hand now placing more pressure on the wound.

"No hospital's, doc. I told you." Ike cuts in just as a loud commotion echoes from downstairs.

Immediately, he jumps into action, grabbing my arm firmly and ordering George to stay put and to continue doing whatever the fuck it is he's doing. Then, he leads me quickly to the basement stairs and down them into the crowded basement itself.

However, the moment we step off the last step, we are met with no music, no joy or party life. Just quiet sobs, panicked expressions and all the party attendees lying on the floor face down with hands on their heads. It's a terrifying sight to behold, especially when your own sister is amongst those cowering from the lunatic waving about a gun like its his dick.

"You," Addley spits as his gaze finally falls on myself and Ike with distaste. "Get your ass on the fucking floor with these other bitches now!" he commands dangerously.

I feel Ike's grip loosen completely and my head turn to look up at him, seeking his personal instruction. He looks down at me and nods towards the floor, silently telling me to do as Addley has commanded. Though he doesn't appear happy about having me do so. Especially when lingering his gaze on me when I lay face down before informing Addley that he's going to go and try to call this 'mama' character. Then, he's up the stairs and out of sight, leaving our safety in the hands of his unstable younger brother.


I lift my gaze slowly and scan the room until I connect with Beth across the room, her eyes flooded with tears. She looks so afraid and it breaks my heart. She doesn't deserve this, not after all the shit she has already been put through in her life. She tries to muster a smile for me but it ends up looking more creepy and broken than anything, even more so when more tears continue to fall down her cheeks.

I want to reassure her that we will be okay. That I'll protect her and get her out of this. But with the distance between us and the lingering intruder pacing the room shouting insults. I don't dare. So, I do all I can for the moment, I smile and mouth a simple but hopefully effective 'I love you' that she returns.


A short twenty or so minutes has passed, though if truth be told, it feels like it's been much longer. Addley hasn't slowed his pacing or calmed his erratic behaviour. If anything, the anticipation of hearing what this 'mama' character has to say is causing his irritation to morph into an ugly beast that preys on those around him. He's already threatened and inappropriately rubbed himself up against Annette before turning on her fiancé Dave by ripping off his toupee. He's an animal, one who needs to be controlled before he kills someone recklessly.

"The fuck you looking at?!"

His startling voice knocks me out of my thoughts, pulling my focus to the present just as he walks towards me with an angry expression, then I feel his hand in my loose chocolate brown hair, pulling me roughly to my feet and once more slamming me up against the column.

"I- wasn-" I'm cut off, not by a voice but by his hand connecting with my cheek with enough force to send my head to one side rapidly. My breathing is heavy, my cheek is stinging and a copper taste fills my mouth, my own blood no doubt.

"Addley!" another familiar and furious voice booms through the air, shattering through the stunned silence.

I force myself to look up just as Ike grips Addley's collar and shoves him away from me angrily, his jaw clenched and nostrils flaring. He turns to look at me briefly over his shoulder, scanning my face and figure with concern and regret before moving his attention back to his brother with folded arms. I don't speak, I just remain stood behind Ike's protective figure, knowing he'll protect me from his deranged brother.

"What's the fucking rule?!" Ike shouts at Addley, his eyes hard.

"The bitch had it coming, staring at me like that!" Addley defends with a scoff until Ike marches over to him and pins him to the wall by his collar, a new dangerous fire in his brown eyes as he speaks lowly through clenched teeth just loud enough for us onlookers to hear.

"Don't touch her," he commands dangerously causing Addley to frown at his brother with a slight tilt to his head.


"No," Ike cuts him off and tightens his vice like grip on his collar. "Don't touch her." He reiterates before releasing his grip and stepping back slightly with the same annoyed expression.

Addley nods in acknowledgement whilst allowing his gaze to flicker to me with mild curiosity and confusion. Then, to my surprise Ike approaches me and with his back to the rest of the room, he offers me a clean white rag from his pocket. I tilt my head and furrow my brows at the gesture, confused why he was offering it to me, so without an audible explanation, he simply lifts his hand that holds the rag to the corner of my lips. Then, with the softest touch, he presses it against the skin and draws it back to show me.

"Oh," I whisper in realisation as I stare at my blood that decorates the previously clean white rag. I nod and take the rag gently from his hand, again our fingers brushing against one another. "Thank you,"

"You can get back on the floor," he tells me softly, his voice barely loud enough to hear yet I somehow manage to.

I again nod and return to my previous position lay on the floor with my face down and a rag now pressed against my lip. I feel Beth's gaze on me but I can't bring myself to look at her in fear of the expression she wears.

"Remember what I said Addley. Watch them," Ike says whilst making his way calmly towards the stairs. When he has gotten halfway up he turns back to his troubled brother and sighs, "You hear me, Addley? Just watch them, nothing else." he repeats whilst glancing in our direction.

"I heard ya!" Addley snaps back.

"Good, control yourself. Mama's coming."

That one sentence ignites a look of fear in both men's eyes, panic paired with it in Addley's dark eyes as he leans back to look up the stairs towards where Ike has disappeared up to. "What you gon' tell her Ike?" he calls up.

He hears no response as the basement door is slammed shut hard. Leaving us all wondering who this 'Mama' is and why the men keeping us hostage are so anxious about her arrival. Perhaps, the worst is yet to come.


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