• Eight •

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The rain continued to fall heavily outside as the car sped down the puddle coated road, leaving little visibility for Ike as he sat in the drivers seat with gum in mouth and hands on the steering wheel.

He looked fine for the most part; no visible injuries to be seen - not that I can get a good look at his inner palm from where I'm sat in the passengers seat. Though, given the way he turns the wheel with little trouble, I would assume his hands are also free of injury and burns.

Thank god.

I try hard to focus on the sound of the heavy rain rather than Beth's quiet sniffling in the back seat as she leans her head against the cool glass window. I know she is feeling defeated, betrayed and utterly furious but right now, I can't bring myself to comfort her. Mainly because I know I'm the source of most her negative emotions.

She thinks I have chosen Ike over her. That I have turned my back on her altogether when, in reality, I'm trying to keep then both alive and safe.

She doesn't understand and I suppose, that's okay. I mean, it has to be.

"Are you okay?" I find myself asking Ike in a quiet whisper, attempting to avoid Beth hearing it too clearly.

"I'm fine," he answers gruffly, clearly still angry with Beth for her earlier attempt at escape.

I nod with head dipping down once more, my gaze focusing on my fidgeting hands in my lap. "Are you?" the question is quiet and tender, accompanied with a discreet glance in my direction. It causes a smile to slip onto my plump lips and my heart to skip a subtle beat. He cares.

I shrug and lift my head to look out at the rain outside thoughtfully, "Not really." I admit with glassy eyes, unable to hide the sadness and guilt eating me up inside.

It's tearing me apart.

Ike doesn't verbally respond to me but he does do something I never could have imagined him doing in this moment. He reaches out and with tender, calloused fingers curling around my own, he encases my hand with his. Then, with head turning to look me in the eye, he smiles, leaving me feeling confused and comforted all in one.

My heart races at the look behind his eyes, finding myself being pulled into their depths as I move my other hand towards our entangled ones. I lift my fingers and run their tips along the scattered scars along the back of his hand, my eyes lowering to study each one in detail.

He's been through a lot.

"Shit," he curses abruptly with car pulling to a slow stop and his hand pulling back from my own regrettably. What the hell?

I frown and lift my head to look ahead of us, alerted only by the sound of the police siren echoing through the air. Shit indeed. "What the hell?" I mutter while leaning forward in my seat to try and make out the silhouette of the officer approaching us, though due to the heavy rainfall, I'm unable to.

"Just stay calm." He tells me with a brief glance, then, he turns to Beth with a less than friendly look on his face. "Don't make me kill this guy, Beth." He says with just the inkling of a plead behind his tone.

Please don't make him the kill the guy, Beth. Please.

I straighten in my seat and again wring my hands in my lap as my nerves bubble close to the surface, leaving me uneasy. I'm trying to be calm and collected but the closer I sense this officer getting, the more uneasy I feel. I can't help it.

"Breathe, Bella." Ike murmurs softly with hand again taking hold of my own reassuringly. "It's gonna be okay." He assures with lips offering a small smile.

Loyalties - Ike Koffin (OC)Where stories live. Discover now