• Ten •

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“Get out.” Ike ordered as we pulled into the driveway of Beth’s house, his eyes hard and his body tense with emotion.

I frown at his firm and harsh tone of voice, unable to get used to it. Mainly because he was always rather soft spoken for the most part towards me. It was rare he’d be forceful or rude. But then again, grief can change a person.

“Okay,” I mumble with hands moving to unbuckle my seatbelt before I reach to open my passenger side door. Then, with a heavy sigh, I step out into the pouring rain once more, allowing myself to stand within the downpour for a few short seconds as Ike practically forces Beth from the backseat.

He needs to take a breath.

“Ike...” I murmur his name with a soft pleading behind my eyes, one he barely takes notice of as he nudges Beth towards her front door while taking my hand in his larger one. “Please...” I whisper with a deepening frown and hand trying to loosen his tight and mildly painful hold on my own. “You’re hurting me,” I whimper, causing him to immediately still on the spot and turn to face me.

His eyes scan my figure before falling upon his hand around mine, realising his mistake. I feel his grip loosen more than necessary, as his eyes offer a silent apology. Clearly having not meant to cause me any type of pain; he was simply distraught and working through his increasing emotions to realise the grip he held on me.

“Shit, I’m sorry...” he shakes his head in frustration with himself, causing me to form a forgiving smile.

“It’s okay,” I reassure with eyes flicking to the front door behind him where Beth awkwardly stands. “We should get inside...” I say with unease. Truth be told, I’m worried about George and his safety in all this. I mean, I don’t even know if he is alive.

God, please let him be alive.

Ike nods at my words, agreeing thoroughly with them as he adjusts his grip on my hand and with a smile offered, pulls me towards the front door.

I watch in anticipation as he wraps his hand around the door knob and pushes the door open, allowing the light within to leak out into night air. Then, with his hard eyes falling on those being held hostage within the home, he pushes Beth inside and pulls me in behind himself.

“Ike...” his mother whispers as he pushes the door to a firm close behind us, causing his head to whip in her direction with raw emotion rising in his expression.

“Mama,” he murmurs with hand releasing my own and feet carrying him towards her. His arms wrap around her petite figure, encasing her lovingly with his strong arms in an effort to comfort her as she cries silently into his chest.

In this moment, they are sharing their soul crushing grief. They are holding one another in seek of comfort and understanding. They are simply a mother and son embracing after experiencing a deep and heart wrenching loss.

So, in an effort to offer them some privacy in this moment, I turn to those currently occupying the room.

My gaze drifts along each face, studying the various injuries sustained and the fear and sadness lurking in the tearful eyes staring back at me. From what I can see, only Annette, Julie and George remain alive. The rest of the party and Beth’s friends are gone; dead, I’d assume.

“George,” I whisper when my gaze falls on his crumpled figure in the corner of the room. He looks so torn down and scared. I feel my eyes soften at the sight of him where he sits with knees brought close to his chest and eyes glassy with tears. Across his blue shirt and hands, dry crimson blood remains, smeared across the fabric and skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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