killua x reader| ソウルスワップ part 2!!! (OLD)

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Hey guys, it sure has been a while sorry sorry. i prolly will barley post to this story but here's the very long awaited part two too ソウルスワップ!
killuas pov:

as killua walked out the room to see y/ns mom cooking he panicked at what he would say and how to act. he took a deep breath and tried to act as y/n would. He walked over to the table and sat down.
"hey sweetie how are you?" m/n (moms name) asked.
"u-uh good" killua stuttered
"are you ok sweetie why are you stuttering so much?" m/n said.
"oh it's nothing i'm just tired!" killua said
"ok? well here's your breakfast" m/n placed breakfast infront of killua and he ate. it was so good. he hadn't had a meal like this in a while. he savored every bite and ate as much as he could.
"darling you must have been really hungry... did you eat yesterday?" m/n asked looking abit concerned.
"oh yeah! sorry i'm just super hungry you know?" killua said trying to play it off. m/n sighed and walked away. killua finished his plate. he put it into the sink. After he had done this he began to wonder about this situation. As he thought he had a terrifying realization. y/n was in his body. he had to do something!

your pov:

After a long pep talk with yourself you gathered the courage to walk out into the unknown of killuas house.
the door creaked open and you peeked your head around the door. once you saw it was cleared you tiptoed out. looking around as you walked down the hall way towards what you think is the kitchen. once the hallway opened into a room you looked around. there was a messy kitchen. silverware and dishes surrounded the sink flys buzzing around them. the counter had spices and boxes scattered on it. the floor was a pale tan tiling and there was dust in every corner. the paint on the walls was cracked and there were stains scattered around. you sighed and walked in no family members in sight luckily.
You opened the fridge and it was basically empty. You had no desire to cook even though you were starving. you shut the fridge and as you did this a family member walked in.

Killuas POV:

Killua began to panic. she had to have known at this point. he decided he would walk to his house barge in grab y/n and run out. he hoped she hadn't already come across anybody. frankly he hoped she hadn't woken or atleast stayed in his room. knowing her he knew this was unlikely
Knowing this he rushed out the door. it felt nice to not have to hide his arms or legs and walk freely out side without pain. but he knew he couldn't be thinking about these things. he needed to get y/n. he set off towards his house.

Y/N's POV:

Killua never liked to talk about his family and y/n understood why now. she didn't know who this family member was but decided it was better not to talk unless she, or killua was spoken too. the boy that had walked in was on the heavier side. he wore a sweat stained pink polo. he wore tan jeans and his hair was greasy and black. we had a annoyed look on his face as he walked through the kitchen. he was holding an inappropriate figurine of some anime girl and he breathed heavily with every step he took. this frighted y/n. she tried to stay away from him and didn't engage in conversation. she sighed and began to wonder out of the kitchen when she was stopped by a voice.
"Hey killua why in such a rush huh? maybe i should teach you a lesson for not even having the manners to say good morning, huh?" the boy said. this struck fear in y/n. her eyes widened and she began to walk away fast but the boy was able to catch up. he violently slapped killuas back, this knocked him to the ground. y/n couldn't understand how killuas body could endure this. it hurt so bad. why didn't he tell her this was happening? he kept it a secret for so long. how long has this been happening? whyd didn't she notice? she shook her head shaking her self out of her thoughts. she needed to get out of there. as she thought this a figure burst the door open.

With killua:

He had finally made it to his house and he could hear himself yelling in pain. he felt anger take over him. he burst through the door. he saw his familiar body beating beat by milluki. he couldn't stand to watch this. he lunged himself forward and pushed milluki off.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU HUH?!" He yelled getting up. quickly killua picked up his own body. y/n was scared. tears flowed down her cheeks and it was obvious that she had been horrified. he threw himself out the door holding y/n tight in his arms. once out he ran. ran as fast as y/n's body allowed him too. once he got far enough away from the house he carefully dropped y/n. he dropped on the ground next to y/n. he panted heavily and was shaking.
he looked over at his own face. it was tear stained and had a terrified look in its eyes. he frowned and turned on his side.
"hey uh, y/n.." killua spoke awkwardly.
"why didn't you tell me." y/n demanded. killua tensed
"well... i didn't want you to worry and i was... scared" killua admitted.
"well, you have a point that was... scary but please you have to tell me these things because i care about you." Y/N said sitting up shaking a bit wincing at the pain. killua sighed.
"i... okay.. i'll tell you if anything else happens." As killua says this he felt lips against his. his face flares up. he widens his eyes but then closes them. as he does this he began to feel the stinging again and he feels something click off his wrist. he breaks the kiss smiling like an idiot.
"that was amazing" he says as he stares into y/ns eyes. and they are actually y/ns. he's not looking into his own any more. he quickly parts from y/n and looks down. he sighed a sigh of relief and then looks at the brackets sitting on the ground. he pushes them off to the side and looks back at y/n. y/n stares back into his eyes. he pulls her in by the waist kissing her again.
so the ending of this was a bit rushed but hello again- idfk why i'm writing this any more- i was bored asf and my friends said i should keep writing to this so uh here you go-

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