a bloody knife (OLD)

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⚠️TW MENTIONS OF SELF HARM! if this makes you uncomfortable please wait till the next story!⚠️

you and killua were walking home from school when killua suddenly picks you up and carries you in the opposite direction of your house.
"k-KILLUA! where are we going!!" you shout as he's running at speeds you could never run at.
"the amusement park!" he says happily. You calm down the yelp!
"huh? a-AHHH! KILLUA SLOW DOWN!" you yell realizing how fast your going.
"why?" he says not slowing down one bit.
"because we don't need to go this fast and i would like to be put down!" you say blushing alittle.
"o-oh right s-sorry!" killua says blushing realizing what he did.
Soon enough you and killua reach the amusement park. You walk over to go get tickets but you then realize that you didn't bring your wallet to school today! your expression turn to worry and you look back at killua smiling awkwardly.
"ohhh" killua whispers.
"i'll pay!" killua pulls out his wallet and buys you and him tickets. As you enter the amusement park your greeted with the sounds of people screaming of delight.
"so what ride do you want to go on first!" killua says eyeing the bigest roller coaster there.
"ummm i don't know what ever you want!" you say. killua smirks and points to the one he was eyeing earlier.
"ugh! why that one is so b-big" you say (A/N if you like big roller coasters- no you don't 😌✌️.)
"what are you scared!" killua teases you.
"AM NOT!" you complain.
"oh really then ride the ride. unless you to chicken" killua says. you swore you saw cat ears and a tail on him.
"fine i will!" you say with a fake excited

~after thy roller coaster~

You got off the ride your face full of fear.
"wasn't that fun!" killua says joyfully.
"mhm" you said full of relief and shock.
"so what next?" killua said ready for another ride already.
"hold on i need a break" you said your legs shaking.

~time skip to after you rode all the rides~

"that was fun but those rides could have been more thrilling" killua said happy but kinda disappointed
"m-more" you said still shaking.
At this point you and killua were really tired from walking around all day and screaming- well mainly you screaming.
"hey uh you want to have a sleepover at my place?" you said.
"yeah ok let's go" killua said back.
So you and killua walked back to your house.
you were about ten minutes away when you started to slow down and yawn a couple of times.
"hey kill can we take a break?" you said while walking over to a bench. killua looked over at you with a smirk on his face. He walked over behind you and scooped you up.
"AH! killua what are you doing!"
"we're gonna get their faster!" killua replied. (also in the story killua can use nen but for some odd reason you never questioned it 😂 just go with it 😂✌️) killua activated godspeed and got back to your house in a flash.
as you got to the house killua set you down and walked over to the door waiting for you to come over and unlock the door. so you do just that. as you walk in you run to your room and jump in your comfortable bed full of pillows and blankets killua was standing in the door way.
"so where shall i sleep" killua questioned
"uh here!" you walked over to your closet and pulled out and air mattress.
"where do you want it?" you asked killua
"hm right there" killua pointed to a clear spot right next to your bed.
"ok" you said setting down the deflated bed and plugged it in. you pressed a button which slowly inflated the bed.
"hey i'm gonna go change" you said walking to your dresser picking up your pjs for the night.
"ok!" killua responded

>time skip<
~killua pov~

'hm it's been a while since y/n left to go change i'll go check on her' I thought.
I walked out the room and to the bathroom door and knocked on the door
"y/n? you almost done"
"oh! yeah" y/n said.
⚠️quick trigger warning this is where it gets darker⚠️
as i was about to walk away i heard a quick quiet yelp but ignored it thinking she must of just hit her foot on something. i walked away and sat in my air mattress.

>time skip<

'it's been a few minutes she should be out by now' i thought. at this point y/n had been in there for almost 15 minutes. all the sudden i heard the sink turn on. with that i thought she had been done so i walked over to the bathroom door and walked in. but what i saw...
"y-y/n-" i said my voice full of fear. as i walked in the bathroom i saw y/n washing blood rushing out of multiple cuts on her wrist of her fore arms.
"y-/n w-wha-t w-hy y/-n."i stuttered tears forming in my eyes.

~your pov~

you whipped your head over to the door as you saw killua standing there watching you as you wash of your bloody arm stuttering.
"k-kill-ua. i-" you said getting cut off by killua.
"y-y/n i-i'm dre-aming r-right? p-please say i-i'm dreaming." killua said as tears streamed down his cheeks. killua ran over to you and grabbed the knife you were holding and threw it on the floor. killua then wrapped his arms around you tight and nuzzled his head into your shoulder. you couldn't say anything.
"y-y/n w-why? i-is it b-because of m-me?" killua said sobbing
"n-no killua-" you said
"P-PLEASE!" he said trying to hold back tears but failing terribly.
"o-ok killua i won't" you said not know what else to say. killua let go of and looked you on the eyes and then looked at your wrist. he then opened the medicine cabnet and grabbed a first aid kit. he cleaned and wrapped up your wounds. once he was done he looked back at your face and picked you up bridal style.
"a-ah! kil!" you said in surprise. he walked you over to your bed room later you on the bed and tucked you in. he walked out of the room and came back with a bowl of chocolates. he then walked over to the bed and got in next to you grabbed the tv remote and put on your favorite movie. he cuddled up next to you making you feel warm and safe.
"i love you y/n" killua says blushing a little. as you heard those words you felt a smile creep onto your red face.
"i love you too killua." you felt so safe and comfy. the rest of the night you and killua lye in bed watching movies and cuddling. of course killua ate most of the chocolate he brought in. you were happy.
Oh boy you guys these story's keep getting darker where do i come up with this stuff 🤦‍♀️ i promise that the next story won't be sad or dark 😂✌️ well that's it hope you enjoyed!

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