A Kiss Under the Stars, part 1 (Updated)

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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of depression and suicide. Proceed with caution.
Info: This is an AU where killua is living in a ordinary world, not knowing of nen, the hunter test, or being an assassin.

     Beep! Beep! Beep! Be- I reach over to my phone and turn it off dreading its loud noise.
     "Im up, Im up" I whisper to my self with a cracky morning voice. I clear my throat and sit up. 7:30, i have to be at school in 30 mintues, ugh. I drag myself out of bed and look in the mirror. I look at myself in my wrinkled pjs, hating what i see i quickly turn and grab some clothes, my outfit today is like every other day, Sweat pants (COYC), a long sleaved shirt (COYC), and a sweat shirt (COYC). i check the time again, 7:37. I dont have much time, I have to leave ten minutes early to walk to the school. I quickly brush my hair (for people with short hair either have it styled or do nothing to it) and then after i walk to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and use the bathroom quickly. 7:43, 7 minutes. I walk back to my room grab my phone and head phones and walk back out. Mom is still asleep. I walk over to the shoe rack and lace my shoes on. 7:47, i can leave a bit early. I leave the house with my bag without eating breakfast. I should wake up earlier, i would have time to relax in the morning but i honestly dont feel like it, i would probably sleep either way.
     As I'm thinking i feel a tap on my shoulder. Killua, my best friend walks next to me. I shake my head a bit and look over to him.
     "Oh hey killua!" I say a bit startled. He smiles at me.
     "You were spacing out again, you okay?" I want to tell him that yeah, im okay, and that i had a nice sleep and was excited for the day, but me and him would both know its a lie. I tell Killua everything and he knows that i have depression and most of my days arent good, so instead i decide on saying.
     "I'm fine, you?" He looks at me, i see a hint of saddness in his eyes but it quickly vanishes. He smiles and walks ahead of me, turning around and walking backwards.
     "Im good, im glad to walk to school with you obviously, are you busy after school?" He asks, i assume he wants to hang out, of course i always have time for him, and if i didnt i would make time, i love him. I nod my head smiling a bit, "Cool! Wanna hang?"
     "Of course! What time?" My mood begins to rise and i can feel myself feeling a bit better.
     "4 oclock sound good?" I nod my head excitedly, suddenly a feel alot better all my bad thought floating away for the time being.
     Me and killua finish our walk to school, talking and smiling. Once were there we split up for classes and i can feel my mood lower. Im always happier when I'm around him, i wish we could hang out for longer, maybe even all day, but unfortunatley we cant.
     I walk into my first period, world histroy. I lazily sit down in my plastic chair next to some random girl i dont know the name of. the class passes by slowly as always. only one more class until i can see killua again. I pack up all my things and drag my feet to my next class, biology. That class goes by reletivly fast and finally, i can see killua. I walk to the cafateria, as soon as im in the room i aleady feel insecure, as if everybody is staring at me, my eyes shoot around the room, where is he? where is he? finally i see him. i run up to him waving my arms.
     "Hey killua!" i shout and stop my self before i bump into him. he jumps a bit but then smiles.
     "Hey y/n, wanna go sit outside?"
     "Sure!" I say excitedly, i begin to walk to the door and killua follows behind me. once were outside we sit down and begin to just talk. we talk and talk and i cant help but swoon over killua. hes so cute and he makes everything so much better, i just want to hug him and kiss him. we continue to talk until a girl comes running up to us.
     "Killua!!!" i look over at her a bit confused. She gets next to killua and lays her head on his shoulder. what the hell? who is this?
     "Oh hey, stephanie, whats up?" Killua doesnt look phazed and instead of reacting he wraps his arms around her waist. what. the. fuck... "oh yeah y/n i forgot to introduce you to my girl friend sh-" He continues to speak but my mind blanks after i hear the words, girl friend. fuck of course he has a girlfriend. I feel tears well up in my eyes. shit shit shit. shes so pretty, long wavy blond hair, a perfect body, beautiful blue eyes, the perfect smile. i cant compete with her. fuck i cant cry.
     "Hey killua, ill be right back." I say cutting him off and walking away quickly. he shouts to me but i cant understand him, i continue to walk away tears falling down my face. I get to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, my baggy cloths, my lazily styled hair, my tear stained face, i had no chance with him. Im just a depressed idiot with a stupid crush on the cool boy whos funny and kind. i need to go home.

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