A Kiss Under the Stars, part 2 (UPDATED)

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TW: Mentions of suicide and depression, read with caution...
     I need to go home, now. I run out the bathroom and run to my house. i cant believe i'm so stupid, to think killua of all people, the boy who has more fan girls then i can count, the boy who is always complimented everywhere we go, the boy who's perfect and funny. stupid stupid. i finish the walk home and burst in the door. my mom is in the kitchen making herself a snack and looks startled and surprised that i'm home.
"Sweetie why are you ho-" I keep walking to my room and slam the door behind me cutting my mom off. Why did i have to fall for him? i couldn't find any body else who i have a chance with. damn it damn it damn it! this isn't fair.
I sit on my bed letting the tears flow from my eyes and i cry and cry. I pull out my phone and text killua.
     Hey i can't hang out anymore don't bother coming over please.
I send the text and continue to cry, i cry until i cant anymore, this horrible feeling won't go away. i thought maybe just maybe killua liked me back, i mean he gave off a few signs, but i guess i was wrong.
All the sudden i hear a knock on my door.
"Y/n? Can i come in please?" my moms voice is on the other side of the door. at least she gave me some time to cry. i quickly wipe my face and get up to open the door. once my moms in she hugs me. it feels nice to get a hug, i needed this. i hug her back tightly allowing myself to cry into her shoulder. she rubs my back gently.
"what's wrong baby?" she questions pulling away to look at me. i cant stop crying and my words won't come out right but i speak non the less.
"u-uh so there's this boy.." i realized i haven't told her about killua, "it's uh actually killua, and i've liked him for a while." my mom seems a bit surprised but she brushes it off and lets me continue. "and i just found out tha-" a sob cuts me off and i struggle to finish my sentence, "he's has a girlfriend.." I sob even harder and my mom pulls me back into a hug. this is so pathetic, crying into my moms shoulder over a guy, how cliché.
     My mom pulls away and walks me over to my bed, she kisses my cheek.
     "i'll be right back darling try to calm down if you'd like." She says walking out the door. okay she's gone, i need to pull myself together. i wipe off the tears and take a few deep breaths, i've stopped crying but i still feel sad.. ugh when will this pain stop. he was one of the last things i had left, and now he's gone. i don't know how i'm gonna continue... i cant talk to him any more that's all i know.
     My mom knocks and walks back in, she's holding tray with my favorite/comfort food, (insert your favorite/comfort food) some water and a soft blanket. I smile a bit, she sets it down beside me and sits on the other side. i lean against her shoulder.
     "it's okay baby, it's gonna hurt for a while" awhile? probably forever and longer. I'm sorry mom but this was my last straw...
     I finish the (comfort/favorite food) and end my conversation with mom. once she leaves i grab a piece of paper. i write a note, it's short, but it'll do the trick.
tw for suicide coming up, read with caution...
     On the note i write,
     Dear who ever finds this first,
I'm so sorry i'm doing this to you, but i just can't continue, everything hurts so much and everything got so much harder. I'm not strong enough, i can't handle this. I love you, mom. Tell Killua i love him. Good bye, stay strong
-Y/N L/N
     By the time i finish writing my hands are shaking and a few tears fall from my eyes, i quickly wipe them off and leave the note on my bed.
     I walk out of my room and call out to my mom,
     "I'm going on a walk, see you later. I love you mom." my voice shakes a bit at the end but i even it again.
     "Do you want me to come with you sweetie? i'd love to walk with you."
     "No thanks mom, i'll get going." I leave the house feeling the cold night hit my body. the sky is cloudless and the stars are beautiful. I walk to the old bridge a mile away from my house.
Killuas POV:
     Y/n hadn't come back to school after leaving and left her stuff, she also texted me after school that we can't hang, i'm a bit worried but i decided to give her space. But i still have her stuff so i might as well bring it over, I don't know why she would be upset about anything but i miss her and this is a good excuse to figure out why she's upset and see her.
     I walk to her house and knock on the door. Y/n' s mom answers.
     "oh killua... why are you here?" she seems a bit off, did something happen between y/n and her mom?
     "Well y/n left her stuff at the school after leaving early and i wanted to bring it to her, i also wanted to check on her, im worried." Y/n's moms face seems to flash with sadness. she move out of the door way.
     "Y/n went on a walk, go ahead and leave her stuff in her room and come back tomorrow." I nod my head and walk to her room. i set her stuff down beside her bed but then i see something, a note. i grab it and read it. my hands begin to shake and tears well up in my eyes. no no no y/n. My face filled with worry i drop the note and run out the room. y/n no you can't do this. YOU CANT LEAVE ME. I love you too i swear, i never liked that girl please. I run out of the door and go to the bridge that we always used to hang out at, she always goes there when she's upset.
     I run and run not getting tired, tears run down my face, im so scared. she can't end it. i need her. as soon as i see the bridge i can see y/n standing on the railing. NO NO NO.
     Your POV:
     I stand on the ledge of the bridge, every memory flashing through my mind. every time me and killua walked to this bridge, every time we would stargaze here, every time he would find me here when i was sad and cheer me up with his harm hugs and stupid jokes. then i hear it. i hear his voice. but it's too late, im already falling.
     "Y/N NO PLEASE I LOVE YOU!" Killua yells. my face fills with fear and regret. what. no no no. i can't fall not yet. I begin to scream.
     "NO NO I CANT DIE YET PLEASE KILLUA SAVE ME PLEASE!" i scream begging for anything, i need him. I fall.
     I close my eyes sobbing, i don't want to die anymore, not after that. but as soon as i start falling i stop. i hear grunting a vibe me and feel a hand gripping onto my arm.
     "y-y/n i cant lose you." he struggles to pull me up but eventually i'm able to grab the railing of the bridge with my other hand. i pull myself over with his help.
     once i'm sitting on the bridge i stare up at killua. he has a terrified look on his face and he sits down in front of me.
     "oh my dear y/n, my y/n.." He says cupping my face with his hands and crying.
     "Killua i'm sor-" i'm cut off feeling killuas warm lips on mine. i wrap my arms around his waist pulling him in closer. killua, thank you.
     "I love you y/n"
     "I love you too Killua"
    And that was when me and killua had our first kiss under the stars.
-Your author Void

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