Chapter One

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Everyone told me it wouldn't be easy raising a family, at 18.

I didn't ask for it easy.

Everyone wants a little challenge in their life.

This is what I chose.

It's what I love.

Being with the love of my life.

Bringing in a new life into this world.

Not easy.

- 1 year later -

Brianna is started to learn how to walk, Dean and I are helping her. I think she's doing a pretty great job. Her auburn hair with blonde highlights, was curled and bounced every time she took a step closer to me.

"Come on Bri," I smiled and opened my arms out.

She giggled and slabbed her chunky foot down on the hardwood floor. She wobbled from side to side, then fell butt down on the floor. She was surprised at first, it looked like she was about to cry but she doesn't. She just giggles again and clapped her little hands together.

Dean lifted her up and raspberry kissed her cheek. "Okay, my little princess. Its time for a nap." Her face went from super happy to super sad in seconds.

I stood up. "Awe Brianna, you wanna stay up baby?" I asked slightly brushing my hand over her cheek. She smiled a no teeth smile.

"Babe," I said looking at Dean and battered my eyelashes, pouting. "Could she stay in her playpen?.."

He rolled his eyes, and smiled. "Fine fine fine."

She smiled again, and He set her down on the blanket in the living room.

"Babyy..." I wined, and wrapped my arms around his waist behind him.

"Whatt?" He laughed.

"I don't know babe, my mom is coming back in a little bit." I said.

"And?" He said.

"Anddd, she's going to help us find a house to settle into." I said smirking.

He sighed. "Greatt.." and sat down.

I frowned. "Whats wrong?.." I sat next to him.

He took my hand and intwined our fingers together, "I have to get a job, make a living.."

I bit my lip. "Why?.."

"I'm 20, cassie, I think I'm ready for a job. It's time for me to support us, this.."

"No! You can't... I mean.. it can't just be you... " I said.

"I know.. I know you want me here with you.. I wanna be with you and Bri. Baby it breaks my heart to know that I have to leave you guys.." he said softly.

I turned his face to mine and kissed him, like the world depended on it. Sometimes I just want to fall into his kisses.. Feel the heat of his skin against mine.. The mesh of our bodies clinging together..

He pulled away slowly, not letting me finish with him. "I-I gotta go.. Look for a job baby.." He half smiled and left the room to walk upstairs.

Hes going to be doing this to me lately.. Tears collected up in my eyes. Bri sat up and shook her baby keys, giggling while she did it. I walked over to her, picked her up, and wiped my eyes.

"Why don't we, have a little mommy and daughter day baby girl?" I smiled, and she gently touched my cheek giggling.


After I told Dean that's we were going out, we ended up going to the grocery store. I put her in cart, and browsed around the store. Someone bumped into me causing me to knock down the tower of paper towel rolls all over the floor.

"Shit.." I whispered. The person that bumped into me didn't even say sorry or helped me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled, the person turned around slowly.

"Oh.. Great to see you again Cassie." the voice said.

"Dylan.." I whispered, I pulled the cart towards me.

"So you and Dean had a baby?" He walked over to Bri.

"Hello sweetie," he said pinching her cheeks, and she giggled slightly. "What's your name?"

"Uh, she hasn't learned how to talk yet.. Were teaching her how to walk first."

"Oh you're doing it the bitch way, Huh?" He smirked.

"B-b-b" Bri tried making the sound of the word bitch.

"No Brianna! No." I said tapping her hand gently. She stuck out her bottom lip, as tears ran down her face.

"I'm sorry baby, don't cry.." I hugged her slightly.

"Wow Cassie, what a great mom." he smirking.

I'm honestly fed up with his shit.

"What the hell do you want dylan?"

"Your number." he said smiling.

"No, get the hell away from me." I stormed off, with the cart. All I heard behind me was whistling, and I started blushing slightly. I finally got him off my mind, and then another person bumped into me I thought it was dylan.

"Dylan could you jus-!?" Anger steamed up in me, as I turned around I realized it wasn't him. My face flushed red again.

"Oh.. I'm sorry m'am, didn't see you there. My fault." I looked up at him, tall, tan, coco brown blondeish hair, blue eyes on the outside and light brown on the inside, with a slight southern accent which could make a girl melt. I'm melting at the moment...

"O-oh no t-that's my f-fault I didn't.. I t-thought you w-were.." I hesitated.

"Dylan?" He laughed slightly, how did he know..

"Don't worry. I'm not stalkin you or anything, I heard y'all talkin over there."

When I didn't answer right away he asked..

"He your ex or somethin?"

Ex?! What the hell no! Not ever!

"Uh no.. he's just.. Um nothing."

"That your daughter?" He smiled.. oh holy heaven.. perfect white teeth..I couldn't stop staring at him, he was perfect..

"You're perfect.." I whispered. WHAT THE HELL SELF.

"Hm?" He asked.

Oh thank god he didn't hear me..

"Oh! Um, my daughter?" I struggled to find her hand. "Um this is my daughter, Brianna. Brianna this is..." his name I needed to know his name..

"Ethan." he said smiling again, Bri was always smiling like him.

"E-e.." She failed, but giggled.

He laughed. "Awe your trying to say it. Keep trying and you could get it right." I smiled.

"Uh I gotta get goin, got to get this stuff to my aunts house, I'll see you around.." name, he wanted my name..

"Um cassie!" I said.

"I'll see you around.. Cassie." he winked his country boy wink.

Melted. Then and there.

~ Author's Note ~
it's the second book to secrets!!
Hope you liked it!
~ 💚🌹

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