Chapter 9

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Laughter filled the room as our little group made their way into the house. We’d just been bowling, it was my first time and I was absolutely hopeless at it. I managed to miss more pins then I knocked down.

After two games  Trent got hungry and suggested we all go to the pizza shop a block over.

On the way there Brock had pulled me aside and whispered two words to me that had my bones shaking. He knew… He knew I'd talked to Alpha Blake last night and I knew for a fact that I was going to pay for getting close with the alpha.

"Hey are you ok Ali? You seem a little on edge" said Tess.

"Just tired" I replied quietly

"Best that you go to bed now then" Brock said faking concern "Here I'll walk you up"

I walked ahead of the small group up stairs to my room. Just before I was able to shut the door Brock barged in with an unpleased look on his face.

"So… getting friendly with Blake are we?"

"He just showed my his car" I said while looking away from him

"You are not to speak to anyone you stupid mutt!" he said in a quiet yet fierce voice

"I'm sorry"

"Not as sorry as you're going to be"

"Brock don't…"

"Shut up!" he snarled while slapping me across the face.

No matter how many times he did this, it still hurt.

"You will not look at him! You will not talk to him! You will not even think about him! Do you understand!" He demanded while grabbing a fistful of my hair.

I nodded weakly and he released my hair.

"Good" he nodded before walking out of my room.

With a sigh I trudged into the bathroom to change then slid into bed.

I looked over at the clock besides my bed to see it was 4am.

With a groan I closed my eyes and managed to get 3hours of sleep.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty! Tanya has asked for all the females to gather for an important meeting!" Yelled Tess while jumping on my bed.

I rolled out of bed, throwing on the first things that touched my hands and followed Tess down stairs.

She sat on the couch and I sat on the ground in front of her when we reached where the meeting was being held. Alpha Blake and Tanya stood at the front of the room with Barbie clutching onto alpha's arm.

When all the females of the pack arrived Tanya finally spoke.

"So girls, mating season is coming up and you all know what that means" she said while winking.

Mating season! As in….mating season!

I felt all the colour drain from my face as thoughts of being rejected flicked through my mind.

"Hey are you ok?" asked the girl sitting next to me.

"Yeah….perfectly fine" I lied and stood up making a run out of the room, into the woods. 


I'm really sorry this update took so long, I've had the ideas in my head but just struggled putting them onto paper. Thank-you for reading and being so patient! This chapter is dedicated to aparecium_ for creating my beautiful cover, thank-you so much!


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