Chapter 16

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"I heard about your mate trying to find the culprit for your injuries"

My head snapped up from the book I was currently reading and locked eyes with my brother.

"I- I didn't tell. I promise!" I stuttered.

"Don't you dare ever tell anyone about this or I will personally end you" he hissed while striding across my room.

I nodded weakly as I gripped my book tighter to stop my hands trembling.

"How can I be sure you won't tell?"

"I won't I promise!"

"Your promises mean nothing! You're a lying tramp!"

I'm not sure what it was exactly that made me snap, it's a bit of a mental blank of what happened. All I know is one minute my brother is standing and the next he's on the floor. He pounced on me and pulled a pocket knife from his shoe.

"Look who is trying to defend herself" he snickered while running the blade against my cheek.

Tears began to leak from my eyes due to the pain. It slowly seeped into the fresh wound and I sobbed harder at the stinging sensation from the wound.

"Brock please! Stop!" I begged through the tears.

I began to cry harder and closed my eyes as he raised the knife again.

A loud bang was heard and I opened my eyes to see a murderous look on Blake's face.

"YOU! IT WAS YOU!" He roared at Brock.

His chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace that mirrored his breathing. He was trying to push his wolf down, I knew if he let him out that Brock would be dead.

As if Brock knew this too, he jumped out the window to the ground below. Blake followed shortly after him as I ran downstairs to try and stop Blake.

"I don't understand how you could do that to her, your sister! Your own flesh and blood! You're a disgrace to this pack! Get out and never come back you filthy mutt; you're banished!"

Brock dropped to his knees and let out a painful scream.

I went to reach for him but a pair of arms wrapped around me preventing me from doing so.

"No. The pain he feels now is nothing compared to what he's put you through." He said while resting his chin on my head.

"But he's my brother..."

"He's a monster who has no place here. I said leave!"

Brock suddenly changed into his wolf before running for the pack's territory border. With a loud howl he disappeared into the trees, never to be seen in this pack again. My eyes watered at the realisation of losing my brother too...the only family I had left. I broke down sobbing, unable to control myself any longer. Blake held me tight to his chest asking me if I was hurt. I shook my head no and just cried harder. I had no one, I was alone.

"What is wrong my love?" he whispered quietly when my sobs died down.

"I have no family now..." I whispered back brokenly.

I felt his arms tighten around me and I looked up to see a somewhat angry look on his face.

"You have me, I am your mate,I am your family now. This pack is your family."

I bit my lip to stop another sob escaping. I had a family... I had my mate who would never leave me.

"You'll never leave me?"

"Never, I promise"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close as happiness burst within me.

"Ali..." He trailed off while pulling away gently.

"I know we're mates but I want to make it official. It's tradition to hold a ceremony and I was wondering if-"

"I'd love to" I smiled while cutting off his nervous babble.


"Yes really" I giggled.

He picked me up and spun me around while hugging me tight.

"Ali...I love you" he whispered while leaning down and pressed his lips against mine.

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