Chapter 3

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I awoke to my head slamming against the head rest. With a groan I slowly opened my eyes.

“We’re here” said Brock.

I got out and stretched my arms above my head and ran my hands through my wavy blonde locks.

“Hello I’m Brock and this is my sister Alice, thank-you for letting us join your pack”

I turned around and saw that there was a brunette guy with green eyes and a blonde woman with blue eyes standing in front of my brother. I strolled over and stood my brother’s side.

“Welcome to the pack house I’m Tanya your Alpha’s mother and this is Trent your Beta” said the woman.

“Nice to meet you” I mumbled.

“I’ll have some of the others help you unload” said Tanya.

“Thank-you” smiled Brock before he turned to start unpacking the Ute.

Just as I reached the car a bunch of guys came walking out to the car to assist in unpacking. When they saw my bike their eyes lit up like a tree at Christmas time. I felt pride wash though me but it was soon replaced with sadness. I can’t ride it anymore because of Brock.

“Your brother has the coolest bike” sighed one of the guys dreamily.

I nodded and grabbed a box. The guys lead me inside and to my room where we set the boxes down.

“Thank-you” I muttered.

“No prob” smiled Trent.

The boys left and I started to unpack my things. In a few hours my bedroom was all unpacked. I had my bed made, clothes in my wardrobe and draws and my books unpacked. My purple and black duvet went well with the white walls and timber floor. The clock beside my bed flashed seven pm as my eyes began to droop. With a sigh I fell back onto the comfy bed and closed my eyes. Exhaustion over took as I slipped into a horrid slumber.


Sweat covered my body and tears stained my face when I woke from the only thing I can ever dream of. The flashing clock read eight am as I slipped on a pair of faded jeans, a dark blue hoodie and a pair of blue high tops. I ran a brush through my hair and checked my appearance in the mirror. My hazel grey eyes were red from crying but thankfully not puffy. The minute I stepped out my door my stomach made its existences know by growling loudly. The two large double doors at the end of the corridor opened and out stepped Trent.

“Morning Alice, need help finding the kitchen?” he smirked.

“Uh morning and yeah” I mumbled looking at the ground.

He chuckled and started walking down the stairs with me following close behind. In a few minutes I was standing in the kitchen looking at the wonderful sight of a large breakfast buffet with a confused face.

“It’s for you, your brother, me and the Alpha” explained Trent.

“Oh” I said looking down.

Just then Tanya walked in.

“Hello you two. Got take a seat Alpha will be down soon” she smiled.

I nodded and walked into the dining room. I took a seat and then my brother took the one opposite me, Trent sat at the opposite end to where Alpha will sit. I was tracing the design of the white table cloth with my index finger getting lost in its maze like pattern.

“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting I lost track of time” said a deep voice.

I ignored the voice and continued to trace the table cloth. I don’t like meeting new people because I don’t have a lot of confidence anymore. My hair hid my face and I was grateful because of that. A chair was pulled out and someone cleared their throat. Hesitantly I looked up at my brother to see him staring at me as well as Trent. Slowly and cautiously I tuned to look at my so called new Alpha.

When I saw him my breathe got hitched in my throat. They weren’t kidding when they said this guy was good looking. His brown hair was tousled and hung in his wonderful matching eyes while a breathtaking smile formed on his luscious lips. His eyes locked with mine and I dropped my gaze to my lap in a flash.

“Awkward” coughed Tent.

I bit my lip to stop the laugh that threatened to escape my lips and looked up to see Alpha still staring me like I was some are, exotic buttefly or rare species.


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