Chapter 10

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Hello to all my readers,

Thank-you so much for being so patient. It’s hard to keep updating and balance my personal life as well as school. School is back for me so I probably won’t update for a while longer because school is my top priority. I really hope you all enjoy this chapter. Thank-you so much for all the votes, comments and reads; it really means a lot. Thank-you all for being so supportive.

Happy reading, Madcass


Mating season…..mating season…. That's all I've thought about for the past hour I've been out here.

I'd run until my legs felt as if they'd give way and I kept walking until I came across a lake.

I hug my knees tight and just stare at the flowing water.

What if my mate doesn't want me?

What if I never find my mate...

What if my mate already has found someone...

Thoughts kept swirling around in my mind and I began to feel sick at the thought of being rejected.

A twig cracked behind me and I jumped in fright, snapping my head to the direction the noise came from, Alpha Blake stood there watching me with wide eyes.

Wait….what's he doing out here?

"I come out here a lot. This is one of my favourite places" Answered Blake while sitting down next to me.

"I really need to figure this thing out" I muttered under my breath.

"You'll figure it out eventually" he chuckled.

I smiled weakly and rest my chin on my knees, watching as a bird flew overhead.

It must be nice to be free.

I let out a sigh and felt Blake's gaze flick over to me.

"Is everything ok?" he asked gently.

"It's fine"

"You know the girls wanted me to come and find you. They said they've got something special in mind for you, I don't know what though. Let's get you back to them" he smiled and stood up, gesturing his hand out to me for assistance.

I looked at his hand and stood up on my own, keeping my head down as we walked back to the house in silence.

The minute I stepped through the door I was nearly knocked back into Blake by Tess.

She hugged me tightly with the biggest grin on her face.

"Thanks Blake" she beamed before dragging me through the house.

She led me to her room where Tanya was sitting on Tess' bed.

"Alice dear" she greeted me happily

"Tanya" I said nodding my head respectfully.

"Ok so you're probably wondering what you're doing here" started Tess.

"Well dear we're going to….give you a makeover" finished Tanya.

My eyes went wide with shock as I stared at the two as if they were crazy.

"You don't get a say in this!" laughed Tess and pulled me to the bathroom.

They sat me down in a chair with my back to the mirror so I couldn't see anything.

Tanya tilted my chin up so I looked in her eyes and gasped quietly.

"Is something wrong?" I stuttered.

"You've got so much potential…." she grinned and let my face go gently.

The two of them set to work; colouring, pulling and cutting my hair.

When they were happy with the result they moved onto my hands and my face.

Tess started doing my nails as Tanya plucked at my eyebrows gently.

"We need to go out" grinned Tess while pulling me out of the bathroom before I could look in the mirror.

Tanya followed us through the empty house and out to Tess' car.

I had no idea where we were supposed to be going until we pulled up outside the shopping mall.

"You need a more feminine wardrobe dear" explained Tanya as we walked towards the entrance.

"This is my favourite shop!" squealed Tess while leading me into a busy store.

I just followed Tanya and Tess through the crowded shop as they held things up for my approval.

After we had a few items they paid for them and we set off to another shop.

This went on for hours, walking into a shop and coming out with more bags.

It was getting pretty late so we went to a small restaurant nearby and filled our empty stomachs.

When we got home everyone was sitting in the dining room and didn’t hear us enter.

Tess and Tanya helped me carry all my bags up into my room before saying good night.

"I'll help you make your room more comfortable tomorrow" smiled Tess as she walked out the door.

She closed the door shut and I smiled at the door where she had stood only a few seconds ago.

"Thank-you" I whispered and went into my bathroom to shower.

Steam fogged up the mirror and I used my hand to wipe it clean.

A loud gasps escaped my lips at the sight before me.

I slowly lifted a hand and watched as the girl in the mirror did the same.

"That's...that's me" I whispered to myself.

The image of my new appearance stayed with me as I dressed and slipped into bed.

I closed my eyes with a faint smile on my lips.

Maybe I have a chance of having a mate after all….

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