Halloween party

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(aight so disclaimer, after the talent show, Jaylyn got Devon and Jake's number and they have a lil Group chat called "lil baes")

3rd Pov
Jaylyn woke up like she normally did and went to take a shower, once she got out, she found  an outfit and got dressed and did her hair.

3rd PovJaylyn woke up like she normally did and went to take a shower, once she got out, she found  an outfit and got dressed and did her hair

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Her outfit

Her hair (she finna make me buss

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Her hair (she finna make me buss. Nah I'm jk,or am I?😏)

She put on her blue Nike's and walked out the house after grabbing her phone and purse.

She walked to where her bus usually came and saw that Jake wasn't at the bus stop until she saw a car pull up and the window roll down "What the fuck, don't tell me I gotta fight some kidnapper" she said and sighed before the person at the window revealed Junior and Jake. "Oh? Hey you two, you getting drove today, had me worried for a sec." Jaylyn said and laughed.

Junior's dad rolled down his window and asked if Jaylyn wanted a ride and which she accepted. She opened Junior's side of the car "Scoot over Junior" Jaylyn said while chuckling "Or do i have to sit in your lap instead?" She whispered to him, making him turn bout red like a tomato as he moved to the middle and Jaylyn sat in the seat he was in before her, buckling her seat belt, they began to drive again and starting to scroll through Instagram when she came by an edit one of her followers made for her and she liked it and commented "Awe, thank you shawty😍" and then continued to scroll through Instagram.

Junior's Pov

I looked over at Jaylyn as she scrolled on her phone while smiling which made me smile. "You know what I'm gonna ask for her number" I thought to myself before tapping Jaylyn on the shoulder, making her look up at me "Hm?" She said "Uh, can I get your number?" I asked nervous of what she'd say (I'm sorry but as I write this, a bih cringeing at it😭) "oh sure" She said and asked for my phone to which I unlocked and gave her. She put her number in the phone and saved her name as "Lil chocolate 🥰" (I mean I feel as if most of us would do this or maybe "ya new bae" some shi like sat, nah y'all would probably put "Nigger named Jay" or "Chocolate gumdrop slave" or even "My lil whore"😭) and I chuckled before she gave me my phone back and then she gave me her phone I guess to put mine in her's which I gladly did and set my name as "Junior ❤️😩" and
Handed her phone back as we finally made it to the school and we all got out of the car, saying  our goodbye's.

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