Another lil schooly day

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3rd pov
Jaylyn woke up as her timer went off, but it woke Junior up as well. Jaylyn got up and grabbed her clean panties and her bra and the outfit for school and grabbed a towel and rag, leaving the room to take a shower so she'd be energized like she usually was. Few minutes later she came out the bathroom with a cute outfit and her hair styles.

 Few minutes later she came out the bathroom with a cute outfit and her hair styles

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Her outfit and shoes

Her outfit and shoes

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Her hair style

She walked into Junior's room as he was putting on a shirt "oops my bad" she said quickly and closed the door before opening it again and speed walking over to get her phone off the charger and then walking out again.

Soon, Junior came out his room dressed in different clothes, the two went down stairs as they waited for Jake to hurry up but he was already downstairs and they left the house and walked to where the bus came to pick them up at.

Jaylyn went on her phone for a bit before looking over at Junior "Hey, junior, you got Instagram?" She asked and He replied with  "Yeah, why you ask?" Which made her smile "Well, I was wondering if I could get your Insta?" She told him. "Oh, sure it's Juniorsike_em" He said with a smile and Jaylyn typed it in as his profile was the first to pop up and she followed him and just like that, A ding came from Junior's phone and he checked and showed Jaylyn it was her that followed him "Nice pictures, Jay" he said as he scrolled through her Instagram before following her "Thanks, and thank you for the follow" She said and chuckled. The bus soon came and they got on "Jake you should sit with Devon" Jaylyn said and smirked as she pushed Jake into the seat with Devon and then sitting right behind them. Junior sat right next to her as he saw what she was doing "You tryna get them to talk to each other more?" He asked her and she nodded "Yeah, the process will work mi amor!"she said and laughed before stopping and looking at Junior "You do know what Mi amor means right?" She asked "Yes, My love" He replied (now if I don't do what I'm gonna do, forget this story) "oh? So I'm your love? Why thank you Baby" she said and smirked before giving Junior a kiss on the cheek and laying on his Shoulder, he smiled and then remembered Lexy and him were still dating. "Jay, you do know me and-" he would say before being cut off " you andLexy are still dating, I know, but are you really happy with her?" She asked seriously as she sat up and looked junior in the eyes. "No, not really" Junior said truthfully "Then do what you thinks best" she'd say as the bus stopped "When you do, let me know, cause I'll be waiting for it,and if you do leave her you won't be single for to long Jun" She'd say before getting off the bus and walking into the school leaving Junior.

(End of this chapter,til next one  shawtys😩)

Word count: 536

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