Hospital times

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3rd Pov

Jaylyn soon made it home, she got a text from the one and only Junior.

Junior 😍😩

Hey, you ok Jay?

Yeah, just needed to leave before it got any worse then where it was going.

Oh, makes sense but, it's starting smell like something's on fire right now.

Then you should probably leave if you smell something on fire.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Well, might head to sleep.

Well sleep well bye.

One message deleted from Junior

Jaylyn smiled at her phone before putting it on the charger and heading to sleep after taking off her clothes and getting into something clean to sleep in.

The next day she woke and 10 missed calls from Devon, making her worry so she called him. *Ring* *Ring* *Rin- "Jaylyn! Finally you answered." Devon said, he sounded very worried about something "Sorry, I was sleeping, what's wrong?" Jaylyn replied and sighed, she rubbed her eyes as she got up and turned on her shower "There was a fire at The party" Devon yelled into the phone making her eyes go wide "Really? Are you okay? Is Junior okay?!" She said in a panic voice as she turned her shower off and went into her room to grab her some clean clothes to wear "Yeah I'm fine, I don't know about junior though, they won't tell us." Devon replied to Jaylyn who sat her phone down and put it on speaker as she put on some clothes and put her hair in a bun

" Devon replied to Jaylyn who sat her phone down and put it on speaker as she put on some clothes and put her hair in a bun

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Her outfit and shoes (Disaster or nah, a bitch still gotta look fine asf🙄)

After she was done she grabbed her phone and ran outside the house to Junior's house calling him as she ran. "C'mon pick up." She mumbled as he then answered "hello?-" he was quick to say but got cut off. "Jake are you on your way to the hospital?!" She asked frantically which he replied with a "yes". "Ok, so I'm outside waiting for you, c'mon hurry up." She yelled and which Jake was quick to get out there, making her hang up the phone "You need a ride? we were already on our way to the hospital." He said making Jaylyn nod her head as she hoped in the car. (Time skip to the hospital 🙃)

(Play the audio, and read slow shawty baes😩)
Jaylyn ran through the hospital as she then found junior's room and ran into the room what Junior was in, laying on his bed, he looked up at her, surprised to see her there when his ex probably wouldn't have come to see him  even when she was in the hospital because her parents were there for her sister. "Jaylyn?, What are you doing here" He said, confused as she ran over to her, jumping into his bed, hugging him tightly while smiling "I'm glad you're okay, Don't know I'd do if you were hurt too bad.." she whispered, making him smile and give her a kiss on the forehead as his smile widened "I'm glad you came to see me, and surprised" he said and chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist, putting his head in her neck while she laid by his side, holding on, not wanting to let go but soon getting up and gave him a quick kiss on the lips "Love you, hope you're able to get out the hospital soon." She said and walked out the room, leaving him with his parents who seemed surprised and confused equally "I thought you were with Lexy?" Luke, his father said "Yeah, I thought you two were together." Bre, his mother said as she added on to what Junior's father said. "No... Jaylyn's the one for me, me and Lexy are done, and I'm glad now cause that proved who was the right for me and I'm glad it was Jay" he replied while looking down, smile still creeping on his face. (pause bitches, that's mad corny but for you guys, I'll be dat way😌)

Jaylyn walked into the hall, sitting next to Jake, who was waiting on Devon "Hey, you worried about Dev?" Jaylyn asked making Jake look over at her, giving a nod "Yeah, how'd you know?" He asked, confused at how quick she guessed "Well, you didn't go in there to see if Junior was alright and Devon was at the party so it made sense, plus I know you two be talking when me and jun aren't around so that's what also made me think that. I don't know why you won't just ask him out, you two would look cute together." She said and chuckled, Jake chuckled a bit before sighing "I just hope he's alright." Jake had said looking down once more. "He's fine, he said it on the phone plus he's the one who told me Junior was in the hospital, if he didn't call me like 10 times, then I wouldn't have known anything until he had gotten out the hospital." She had told making Jake smile at the fact that Devon was alright (yk Jake don't really care for Junior like Dat, but we do😩). Devon soon came over to them letting them know that Oliver had been stabbed to death, and they talked for a while before Devon
Soon Left.

Jaylyn and Jake had ended up falling asleep, soon being woken up by Lexy " hey, wake up!" She said and kicked Jake's foot making him jump and wake up,having Jaylyn wake up as well. " What's wrong? Did something happen?" Jake asked, confused "Yeah, a psycho kid told a little ginger doll to murder me." Lexy replied, folding her arms. "Is she talking about Chucky?" Jaylyn asked "I thought you said nobody else would know about him except for us?" Jaylyn asked as she punched Jake's arm making him say "Ow" and rub his arm.


Jake's Pov

" Hey Jaylyn, can I show you something?" I asked and she gave a nod. I gestured my hand to tell her to follow me, which she did. We soon made it up to my room and I let her walk in first as I closed the door behind me "Chucky, you can come alive now" I said to the ginger head doll as he blinked and sat up. Jaylyn didn't seem to surprised nor did she seem scared "Knew something had to be up with the doll" she said as she kneeled down to Chucky's height and stuck her hand out "Why hello, Chucky or should I say Charles?" She said and smiled. I became confused on how she seemed to know who he was "how did you know his actual name?" I asked "Read an article about the doll and Charles once for an assignment, it was actually cool, I got an A+ for it since I had the most information about him. The article said that he had trapped his body in a doll body and It had the image of the on one but it was just a theory and I kinda believe in theorys." She explained making me nod my head, Chucky finally shook her hand after listening "I promise, on my soul not to tell anyone about you." She said and smiled

End of flashback

"I didn't tell her, Chucky showed himself while trying to kill her." Jake mumbled "oh" Jaylyn said and whispered a sorry. "Ahem" Lexy cleared her throat "Hello?!" She said "What? You hear to yell at me some more?" Jake finally asked her "No. I don't really wan to spend the rest of my life being scared of getting killed by a toy." She said as her face softened "Since no one else will believe me, I'm stuck with you two. S what do we do?" She asked, raising a brow. "Uh, maybe we should go back to the house and see if he's still there." Jaylyn suggested and Jake agreed "Fine. It's not like my parents will realize I'm gone anyway. God I need a shower. She said and began walking "Same" Jaylyn groaned as her and Jake stood up and started walking with her.

Deleted message : love you,Jay❤️
(End of this chapter,til next chapter babes 😩)


Word count : 1387

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