Chapter 4

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Takemichci is sitting in the limo once again being taken to school but this time she was not alone, she was traveling with her four new bodyguards that what her fathers had called the four boys. Takemichci was planning to go shopping with Hina after school, and it seemed like the guys were also coming along.

Ran " it seems like we have all our classes with you take-Chan"

Takemichci " that wonderful it will be great to have some more friends at school, hina can't always been there for me"

Rindou " we will make sure you dose jerks stay away from you"

Takemichci " aww thank you guys" soon the limo stoped and everyone soon got out once again students were looking at Takemichci, and the boys she was with and soon enough they all started whispering. Takemichci soon walked into the school when she ran into hina.

Hina " Takemichci is everything okay who are these boys with you"

Takemichci " oh hina these are my new friends and they are also dear friends of my family as well"

Hina " oh hello it nice to meet you guys I hope you will take good care of take-Chan"

Inzana " oh we will and we will make sure those jerks stay away from her"

Ran " hey Takemichci we have to go speak with the principal and teachers will we see you in class"

Takemichci " okay see you soon"

Hina ". One on Takemichci I will take you to class"

Takemichci " sure" Takemichci soon walked off with hina and they guys were watching them closely they were, making sure none of toman or black dragon members showed up.

????? " oh good morning Takemichci"

Takemichci " hello akkun and everyone else"

Akkun " hey Takemichci I wanted to speak with you I'm sorry about everything that had happened, all those days ago I wanted it make ...."

Takemichci " akkun I don't have time to deal with you and everyone else you watched me get beaten up, and you did nothing to stop them so what type of friends do we have akkun"

Akkun " please I'm sorry if I could take it back I will"

Takemichci " please akkun i can't deal with this right now we can speak about this later or never" Takemichci soon walked into the classroom and sat at her desk, and all her old friends were looking at her but she just looked away.

Sensi " good morning class I will love to announce we have four new students joining us today"

Takemichci " ......"

Sensi " class I will like you all to meet ran, and his brother rindou there is also inzana and kakucho" the girls of the class seemed to be in aww of the new boys which made takemichi laugh, she soon waved over to rindou who waved back at her.

Sensi " oh it seems like you already know miss hangaki"

Rindou " yes sir we are all very close friends to her"

Sensi " well that make it eays now for give you guys classmate to help you boys out"

Ran " thank you sir"

Sensi " you can all have a sit near takemichi she will be helping you boys out"

Chifuyu " sir I think Takemichic might need help"

Sensi " that nice of you chifuyu but right now I need you to focus on something else not Takemichi life" soon class had started and Takemichic had give the guys some pencils because they were missing some class materials.

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