First Christmas with family (holiday special)

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This is Takemichci first Christmas with her whole family she would mostly spend time, with her grandmother and mother when her mother was still alive. After her mother death it was just her and her grandmother spending time together, but when she finally got to meet her whole family the holidays become a whole big event.

Takemichci " how many kimonos does this household have"

Servant " there are many around her miss but this is for the formal Christmas celebration"

Takemichci " I like it" soon Takemichci saw koko and Izan walked into her room after she was done getting changed, they were wearing traditional suits.

Izana " don't you dare laugh your grandmothers said it was a formal dinner and we all have to dress up, and there are other clan members coming as well"

Koko " I have some detail on these clans children who are near the ages of us .... Some of them not very kind mostly all boys and delinquents"

Takemichci " oh great but come on we can worry about them later let celebrate the holidays together"

Rindou " you are looking beautiful"

Takemichci " thank you Rindou"

Ran " now come on we are walking with to the celebration"

Takemichci " coming" Takemichci was walking with the guys as surrounded her making sure no one got to her, that wanted to do harm she looked like a princess to most people who got a view of her as she walked around the room.

Rindou " you look like a princess my lady and no one can compare to your beauty"

Takemichci " aww thank you Rindou" Takemichci was having some time with her fathers and they have given her, a charm bracelets that was beautiful and one of the charm had the clans symbol on them.

Izana " hey Takemichci come make some snowman with us"

Takemichci " coming" Takemichci had gone into the yard where many kids were playing in the snow or making snow people.

Grandmother " it has been a long time since I seen her smile like this"

Granny " yes her smile it very bright like her mothers and she seems to bring happiness to the whole family now"

Izana " merry Christmas Takemichci"

Takemichci " aww merry Christmas guys"

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