Chapter 7

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Takemichci is in the city doing some shopping with chifuyu the others were away dealing with some stuff, chifuyu was holding some of her bags even do she could them she can carry them. They had stoped by at one of this stores, that the time mitusya was at the store as well she was paying some things for his sisters.

Takemichci " what do you think about this hair bracelet or the hairband"

Chifuyu " i really like the hair bracelet Takemichci it makes you look beautiful"

Takemichci " thank you" mitusya was watching from far away he wanted to go up and say hi to Takemichci, but he knew it will start something ugly. Chifuyu had ran off to go deal with something leaving Takemichci alone and that when some punks wanted to mess with the girl.

Takemichci " hey leave me alone or else"

Punk 1 " aww what are you going to do little girl"

Takemichci " hey get your hands off me now" the punks were starting to harass Takemichci and bystanders were doing nothing.

???? " hey on someone your own size" Takemichci soon turned around and saw mitusya standing there, he soon dropped the things he was holding and started fighting off the punks harassing his friend. Takemichci was soon free but she soon become worried when one of the guys punched mitusya so hard knocking him out cold.

Takemichci " mitusya"

Mitusya " Takemichci...I'm ..."

Takemichci " hush don't move you are going to okay" Takemichci had soon taken out her phone and called for help, soon enough chifuyu came running and beat up the rest of the punks. Mitusya had opened his eyes for a short while to noticed some man was holding him, and placed him in some car.

Takemichci " mitusya your are going to be okay we are going to get you some help okay"

Mitusya " Takemichci I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you"

Takemichci " I forgive you okay but please stay still my dear"

Mitusya " ....."

Hours later

Mitusya " ummm wait where I'm ... hello Takemichci... chifuyu" Takemichci soon entered the guest bedroom where mitusya was resting, he soon saw her and smiled.

Takemichci " oh great you are finally awake I was worried about you mitusya"

Mitusya " thank for bring me .... Where are we anyways"

Takemichci " my family house well mostly my fathers side of the family"

Mitusya "it seems like I missed something care to explain what happened"

Takemichci " yes I will love too and I called you mother she knows you spend the night here, working some a project"

Mitusya " thanks"

Takemichci " why don't we eat something you must be hungry"

Mitusya " sure some food can do a major help" mitusya soon followed Takemichci out the guest bedroom and he nocturf there were a lot of guys walking around the property, they all had these tattoos of them arms or neck getting this attention.

Guy " good evening lady Takemichci and I see you friend is finally awake"

Takemichci " good evening"

Guy 2 " you young man most be the young miss friend right"

Mitusya " yes sir"

Takemichci " come on mitusya dinner is waiting and chifuyu as well"

Mitusya " coming right away" mitusya had so man6 questions but these questions will be answer later, they soon arrived at the room where chifuyu was waiting.

Chifuyu " hey you are finally awake good"

Mitusya " okay I have many questions here first of all when did you fathers come back into your life"

Takemichci " a few days ago"

Mitusya " okay wonderful second everyone here is yakuza what you Takemichci a sweet girl have to go with gangsters"

Takemichci " my fathers are the head of their clan and my mother was born into clan which later joined this one, when my parents married leading be to become the future heir"

Chifuyu " when she told me I couldn't understand it but hey Takemichci is queen now"

Mitusya " wow"

Chifuyu " if you most know her fathers are scary and I haven't meet the rest of her male family members"

Mitusya " that for the advice"

Takemichci " come on let have dinner we can talk more about my family later"

Mitusya " okay" mitusya had the whole story explained to him by Takemichci and he was amazed about the whole thing, but he still had many questions about the whole thing as well. Mitusya did spend the night here but he did run into your father and right away he knew, who they were and without them saying anything they made mitusya feel small.

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