Chapter 15

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It was another at school and it was quite day or as quite as it could be for Takemichi during that day, takemichi was carrying some boxes of books to another class after a teacher at asked her and she said yes. She was carrying two boxes and was having a hard time seeing, where she was going she didn't see she was about o walk down some stairs.

???? " hey let me give you a hand there "

Takemichi " oh thank you ... hakkia"

Hakkia " hey Takemichi I saw you were about to go the steps, and you couldn't see where you were going"

Takemichi " oh thank you"

Hakkia " where are you going I can carry this box for you"

Takemichi " sure I'm going to second science room"

Hakkia " well okay then let us walk there together and I promise I won't bother you, I just want to speak with you"

Takemichi " umm thank you for respect that" Takemichi and hakkia were walking towards the science classroom together and it seemed like hakkia was keeping, true to his promises. They had soon reached the classroom and hakkia had opened the door for them, it seemed like no one was in the classroom yet.

Hakkia " look I know you have heard this many times but I'm truly sorry I was a coward once again, you had saved me for my brother and from become a murder and I turned my back on you"

Takemichi " hakkia"

Hakkia " so please forgive me if you want but I will respect you if you don't want to, but I hope we can be civil towards each other"

Takemichi " hakkia stop okay I can tell by your tone that you are very sorry, and I'm happy you help me out it could of ended badly for me"

Hakkai " so we are good now are we or not"

Takemichi " we are good but you still might have to prove yourself"

Hakkia " I will do anything"

Takemichi " good now come on we have to get our not of here before the next class shows up"

Hakkia " right away" Takemichi and hakkia leave the room but not before getting spotted my the twins, who were shocked about the whole matter. They soon had ran off to meet up with the others to talk about hakkia and Takemichi leaving a classroom together.

Later that day

Hina " so Takemichi so what decided to forgive you hakkia"

Hakkia " yes we are friends now"

Hina " aww that sweet it but listen here if you or the other step out of line I will beat you all up, I'm not letting you all break her again so be a good friends and fight for her to get out of the way undeterstood"

Hakkia " understood"

Draken " so Emma what did you have to do to get forgive by Takemichi"

Emma " okay listen here Kenny boy I didn't do anything wrong to make her mad, I was away when this all happened spending time with my so called mother when I got back I was told my hina what happened and then Takemichi" Emma soon slapped draken hard on the face.

Emma " it time for you to act mature draken if you want to spend the rest of your life with her, you have to show her what you can do"

Chifuyu " both of you are very scary right now"

Emma " because we will stand by Takemichi side no matter what and we are going to help her run her empire, it boring seeing all the boys mess up it time for ladies to show what we can do"

Mitusya " I'm in"

Emma " good because now we have to help her deal with the others mostly Mikey, they won't stop until they get what they want and it up to Takemichi to decide who she wants and she hated from here on now"

Takemichci " thanks girls and everyone welcome to our official meeting today marks a new day, I will show everyone the old Takemichi is back but she brand new so are you all with me or no"

Everyone " we are with you"

Takemichi " good and along the way we might pick up some more friends and have some foes"

Hakkia " good we need to talk about the kawata twins they saw us leave the classroom"

Takemichi " then it look likes we have some people to see"

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